毅然决然用英语怎么说 毅然决然英语翻译

毅然决然用英语怎么说 毅然决然英语翻译

毅然决然用英语说"  resolut",还可以翻译为  Resolutely and determinedly,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到53个与毅然决然相关的释义和例句。


1.   resolut

毅然决然翻译为   resolut。

She was very determined to do everything her way, including her therapy.


2.   Resolutely and determinedly

毅然决然翻译为   Resolutely and determinedly。

He told me this with a straight face but watched my eyes closely as he spoke.


3. firmly


He resolutely went back to the front.


4. resolutely and determinedly

毅然决然翻译为resolutely and determinedly。

示例:She was resolutely suicidal.



1. stfan( 范松涛;毅然决然让斯特凡)

2. mobile card reader( 数位行动读卡器;流动读卡硬盘;毅然决然投入)

3. decisively(果断地 决然地)

4. daringly(大胆地 毅然地)

5. with decision(断然地,毅然地)


a determinate reply ( 毅然决然的回答 )

pronounced ( 决然毅然的 )


1. As humanitarian aid workers, they made the choice to be at the side of the victim, to provide some assistance, some comfort, some protection, but when they needed protection themselves, it wasn't there.

译文:作为人道主义援助工作者 他们毅然地站在受难者的一方 给予难民们帮助、温暖和保护 然而当他们需要保护时 却没有人伸出援手。

2. Why, at the height of his powers, did Bond decide to retire?

译文:为什么在邦德如日中天之时 竟然会毅然引退。

3. The man who seems bound and determined to break the mood is Boss Tanaka.

译文:毅然决然要来扫兴的人 就是田中老大。

4. i was there when The letter was signed one that stirred up the interest in nuclear power

译文:我毅然在信上签字 总统对核能很关心。

5. His resolute voice echoed in the room.


6. And with a friend of his, he took it upon himself to free-climb a Redwood without ropes or any equipment to see what was up there.

译文:之后他与他的一个朋友毅然试着徒手攀爬一棵红杉 而没有用任何绳子或装备,想看一下在上面究竟有什么。

7. Fortunately i forced open the door to gain entry, otherwise you would be dead.

译文:还好我毅然决然撞门进来 要不然你就上西天取经去了。

8. He gave up everything and renounced the world

译文:抛弃一切 毅然出家。

9. You knew he was gonna follow that thing headfirst all the way to Texas.

译文:你知道他会毅然决然 先到德州再说。

10. it's in the strength of your brush


11. in today's cynical world, it's so hard to take that great leap of faith aboard the ship of love and caring.

译文:世态尔虞我诈 现在甚少人有坚定信念 毅然登上情义号这艘船。

12. i wasn't wrong in choosing you.

译文:在这个方面 我毅然选择了你 我是正确的。

13. My sense of outrage about women's rights was brought to a boil when i was about 11.

译文:我那股 对女性权利的义愤 在我xx岁的时候毅然激起。

14. i would dissemble with my nature where my fortune and my friends at stake required i should do so in honor.

译文:我会用使用欺诈的手段 假使我的财产和亲友处于生死关头而有所需要 我就会毅然去干 并不以为耻。

15. i decided to turn back to call him Guiseppe for the first time in my life.

译文:我毅然回头 破天荒地喊了他一声朱塞佩。

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