古装片用英语怎么说 古装片的英语翻译

古装片用英语怎么说 古装片的英语翻译

古装片用英语说"costume film",还可以翻译为period film,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到36个与古装片相关的译文和例句。


1. costume film

古装片翻译为costume film。

In 2006 the Banquet, a lavish costume drama, again broke the box office at home but was mostly ignored abroad.


2. period film

古装片翻译为period film。

It's the reason why CCTV's schedules are dominated by recycled kung fu classics and Qing dynasty soap operas and why moviemakers remain in thrall to the costume drama.


3.   Costume Drama

古装片翻译为   Costume Drama。

The beginning of the first commercial movie tide in the silent time was the costume movie movement.


4.   costume film

古装片翻译为   costume film。

示例:i was in a film there, a costume site
我之前在那演过一部电影 古装戏



1. sword and sandal( 古装动作片)

2. vintage chic(古装款式,古装打扮)

3. period drama( 历史剧;古装正剧;古装戏)

4. laminated pole piece(片极片)

5. lamination sheet(片)


costume sword-play film ( 古装武侠片 )


1. You're filming an erotic period film why do you need so many indians?

译文:你拍古装色情片 干嘛找那么多阿差回来。

2. Two slices of ham, three of pork.

译文:两片火腿 三片猪肉。

3. But it's first time i told anybody they sounded like an old-fashioned movie actor. i'd been thinking about it, but never told anybody.

译文:不过我可是第一次说 土佐腔像古装剧。

4. C-H-i-P-S, Chips, Chips, Chips.

译文:薯了个片 薯片 薯片 薯片 C -H -I。

5. i'll take a chocolate chip.


6. But don't touch the costume, please!


7. You got some nerve Only them?


8. - You can get me an Alka-Seltzer.


9. Yeah, and i'm not an old-fashioned movie actor.


10. i'm tired of costume dramas, to be honest.

译文:老实说 我受够古装剧了 I'm tired of costume dramas, to be honest.。

11. You produce half of all TV dramas, correct?

译文:全国有一半以上 古装剧集都是您投的吧。

12. Here's that Batman costume Mr. j used for the train heist.

译文:下面是蝙蝠侠 古装J君用 火车抢劫案。

13. crstal what centur is this guy in?

译文:他在拍古装片吗? 超越他。

14. and nerve pill£¬ make that two nerve pills.

译文:还有镇定片 吃两片。

15. - You fed it a potato chip. - Potato chip.

译文:你喂了它薯片 薯片。

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