两岸相隔用英语怎么说 两岸相隔英语翻译

两岸相隔用英语怎么说 两岸相隔英语翻译



1. hayslip

2. efca

3. intercoastal


示例:- Uh, that's up the intercoastal.
- 啊, 在海港之间


4. traz


1. the Straits(海峡两岸)

2. hayslip( 海峡两岸)

3. intercoastal(a. 两岸间的)

4. efca( 两岸经济合作框架协议;两岸经贸协议;两岸经济合作协议)

5. traz( 海峡两岸创新方法)


KIKI&KK KIKIandKK ( 相隔两岸 )


1. You'll get so much writing done it's got the boats we used in Suffolk do you know how long you might want it for?

译文:那艘小船可以往返两岸 你大概要住多久。

2. Flying not only coast-to-coast...


3. The fighting was drawing ever closer to the Volga river.


4. No it's impossible weve been driving in a strait line for hours

译文:不,这是不可能的,我们要驾驶 在两岸小时线。

5. You know, there's people on both sides of the river wish he never recovered.

译文:你知道,在这条河两岸 也有一些人不希望他胜诉。

6. Bob Evans is a 28-year-old New Yorker who is in the enviable position of pursuing two careers on two coasts.

译文:廿xx岁的+伊云斯 身居东西两岸要职,令人妒忌。

7. Were talking, and i found out the straits he was in, and...

译文:在谈论, 而且我发现两岸他在, 而且...。

8. Wind-blown fragrance of hay permeates both banks

译文:风吹稻花香两岸 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Wind -blown fragrance of hay permeates both banks。

9. These little houses you can see will be submerged

译文:您看到两岸这些小房子 届时将全部淹没。

10. That's the poem: "From the eternal sea he rises, creating armies on either shore."

译文:看见野兽自海中升起 诗句"他自永恒之海腾起 让海峡两岸成为敌人"。

11. There is love on both banks of river Seine, in the middle, above and below!

译文:在塞纳河两岸 河中央 桥上 桥下 处处有爱。

12. Like two shores of the ocean that never meet


13. Yet the cry of monkeys from the riverbanks behind me...

译文:两岸猿声啼 不住。

14. SWAT... i need recon teams on both sides of the river.


15. particularly along the Monongahela River.


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