关于农历用英语怎么说 关于农历英语翻译

关于农历用英语怎么说 关于农历英语翻译



1. nonlunar

2. instaurates

3. lunawicz

4. lunar new year

关于农历翻译为lunar new year。

示例:Everyone enjoys celebrating the Lunar New Year,



1. instaurates( 农历)

2. lunar new year(农历新年)

3. lunawicz( 农历新年)

4. nonlunar( 非农历)

5. lunar time period( 农历时期)


1. in the 7th month of the Lunar Calendar the traditional cantonese opera is performed for the spirits

译文:传统神功戏是每逢农历xx月 做给神鬼看的。

2. The holiday was tapped a Lunar New Year.


3. - About dinner. About dinner.

译文:- 关于晚饭 关于晚饭。

4. Now where's the frigging monk? What did you say?


5. Cheryl. Yeah. About, um, when we can meet again.


6. January 12th of the lunar calendar


7. About the casualties, about how the war was going.


8. Welcome to 'Twilight Online' on the 19th day 7th lunar month.

译文:欢迎大家收看农历xx月xx日的 《恐怖在线》。

9. Today is my lunar birthday.


10. Last Chinese New Year, we had Auntie Lindo's family to dinner.

译文:去年农历年 邀林多阿姨一家人前来围炉。

11. Visiting here during the 7th lunar month is bound to anger the ghosts.

译文:唉 农历xx月来这种地方 不见鬼都很难啊。

12. You were born in 1982, in the neoneb inner woeth?

译文:小姐是xx年农历xx月出生 You were born in 1982, in the neoneb Inner woeth。

13. They come to our village in the seventh lunar month on the night of full moon.

译文:他们来到我们的村庄 每次在农历xx月 当月圆之夜。

14. i know, but according to the traditional Chinese calendar

译文:我知道 不过根据华人农历。

15. it's about this desk... and seniority.

译文:关于桌子 关于资历。

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