递增用英语怎么说 递增的英语翻译

递增用英语怎么说 递增的英语翻译

递增的英语可以这样说:  increasing,还网络中常译为"  increase",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到43个与递增相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   increasing

递增翻译为   increasing。

The output increases progressively with years.


2.   increase

递增翻译为   increase。

For the underestimation of each finger length, from the thumb to the pinky, increased by about 7 percent in each finger.


3.   Ascending

递增翻译为   Ascending。

Increasing gravity is known to speed up the multiplication of cells.


4. growing -

递增翻译为 growing -。

示例:Growing and growing and growing and growing



1. progressive increase(递增)

2. progressive costs(递增费,递增成本)

3. increase by degrees(递加;递增)

4. increasing([经] 递增)

5. increasing density(递增密度)


Additive incremental method ( 递增法 )

increasing returns to scale ( 规模收益递增 )

increasing function ( 递增函数 数 )

law of increasing costs ( 成本递增规律 )

monotonic increasing monotonically increasing ( 单调递增 )

law of increasing cost ( 成本递增法则 )

increasing sequence ascending series ( 递增序列 数 )

increasing returns increasing revenue increase return ( 报酬递增 )


1. So, our first year of marriage we went to 11 percent, second year we went to 12 percent, and the third year we went to 13 percent, and on and on and on. Why did i do that?

译文:于是我们结婚后的第xx年捐11%, 第xx年捐12%, 第xx年捐13%, 每年依次递增。我为什么这么做。

2. My character, he realizes that the apocalyptic crime rate is because of global deceleration.

译文:我所扮演的角色发现 犯罪以令世人绝望的速率递增 都是因为地球自转速率的变化。

3. That’s because the number of participants expands exponentially.


4. And i don't accept subtractive models of love, only additive ones.

译文:我不接受消减中的爱, 只求递增的爱。

5. Well, ma'am, given the mission brief, we thought we should decrease the gross weight and increase the loiter time.

译文:长官,根据任务简报,我们认为应该 减少毛重和递增的闲荡时间。

6. Parkinson抯 Law of Social Work, you see.

译文:社工循环递增率 您看 Parkinson抯 Law of Social Work, you see.。

7. When we do have to do something truly out-of-the-box, we use an incremental design, build, test, redesign cycle that lets us reduce risk in baby steps.

译文:而真正突破的是 我们使用了递增式概念,设计,建造,测试,再设计的循环方法 得以在起步就减少了风险。

8. And in one year, it went to 50 colleges, and then it expanded.


9. And so now we had three age increments of Benjamin in the computer.

译文:所以现在我们有三个年龄递增本杰明 在计算机中。

10. Number one was asthma, number two was developmental delays, number three was 400-fold increases in rare childhood cancers in the last eight to 10, 15 years.

译文:第一个是哮喘, 第二个是发育迟缓, 第三个是以四百倍速递增长的 在过去的10到xx年间罕见的发生在儿童阶段的癌症。

11. And in one year, it went to 50 colleges, and then it expanded.


12. Number one was asthma, number two was developmental delays, number three was 400-fold increases in rare childhood cancers in the last eight to 10, 15 years.

译文:第一个是哮喘, 第二个是发育迟缓, 第三个是以四百倍速递增长的 在过去的10到xx年间罕见的发生在儿童阶段的癌症。

13. When we do have to do something truly out-of-the-box, we use an incremental design, build, test, redesign cycle that lets us reduce risk in baby steps.

译文:而真正突破的是 我们使用了递增式概念,设计,建造,测试,再设计的循环方法 得以在起步就减少了风险。

14. it is increasing at an incredible 5% per year as farmers grow crops that the geese can eat on their migration.

译文:以每年5%的速度令人难以置信的递增 农民种植的粮食成为雪雁迁徙途中的食物。

15. So, our first year of marriage we went to 11 percent, second year we went to 12 percent, and the third year we went to 13 percent, and on and on and on.

译文:于是我们结婚后的第xx年捐11%, 第xx年捐12%, 第xx年捐13%, 每年依次递增。我为什么这么做。

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