唱歌很好聽用英语怎么说 唱歌很好聽英语翻译

唱歌很好聽用英语怎么说 唱歌很好聽英语翻译

唱歌很好听在英语中的翻译是"sing very well",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到12个与唱歌很好听相关的释义和例句。


1. sing very well

唱歌很好听翻译为sing very well。

Karen is really a good singer!



1. to sing( 唱;唱歌;唱歌吧)

2. tosing( 唱;唱歌;唱歌吧)

3. that's good( 很好;那很好;这很好)

4. disclothe( 唱歌)

5. make music(奏乐,唱歌)


Singing sound good very pleasant singing Singing is very nice ( 唱歌很好听 )

Her singing is very nicely Good to hear her sing She sings very nice ( 她唱歌很好听 )

My brother singing sound good My brother sing nice ( 我的哥哥唱歌很好听 )

You sing very nicely ( 你唱歌很好听了 )

Because he sings very nice ( 因为他唱歌很好听 )

Very nice singing Singing very nicely Sings very nice ( 歌唱得很好听 )

She sang a good listen She sang songs of Nice ( 她唱的歌很好听 )

Blacks are very nice singing Blacks singing is very nice ( 黑人唱歌都很好听的 )


1. His wife sings beautifully.


2. it's a nice name, isn't it?


3. And how beautiful she sang.


4. The songs are good, because their names are good.

译文:歌很好听,因为他们的名字很好听 The songs are good,because their names are good.。

5. That's how i knew you were happy, i guess.


6. Nice joint. He even sang a few songs.

译文:很好的酒吧 他还会唱唱歌呢。

7. - Great. Well, i'm all ears.

译文:- 很好 我洗耳恭听。

8. People wanna listen to you.


9. Folks would pay good money to hear a white woman sing

译文:那边的人会付很多钱 听白种女人唱歌。

10. He said she's fine. Listen, Elena.

译文:他说她很好 听著 Elena。

11. They sing like they're crying.


12. Sweetie, i hear you in your room.

译文:亲爱的 我听过你在房间唱歌。

13. 'Cause my fans are waiting to hear me sing


14. She's not budging. You want to hear me sing?

译文:她不会唱的 你想听我唱歌。

15. Well, i, for one, would love to hear your voice.

译文:我, 算一个, 想听你唱歌。

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