外乡用英语怎么说 外乡的英语翻译

外乡用英语怎么说 外乡的英语翻译

外乡通常被翻译为"  another part of the country"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"some other place",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到16个与外乡相关的释义和例句。


1.   another part of the country

外乡翻译为   another part of the country。

The threadbare inventory the authors discovered in the village store outside Hyderabad is only one example.


2. some other place

外乡翻译为some other place。

He gave his daughters away in marriage to those outside his clan, and for his sons he brought in thirty young women as wives from outside his clan.


3.   some other place

外乡翻译为   some other place。

He boasted to the up-country woman that he was an all-round man.


4. another part of the country

外乡翻译为another part of the country。

示例:Another thing in another country.



1. malihini(n.新到夏威夷的人,在夏威夷的外乡人,来夏威夷的游客[字面意义: stranger])

2. malihinis(n. 新到夏威夷的人,在夏威夷的外乡人,来夏威夷的游客( malihini的名词复数 ))


Outlander Stranger Barbara ( 外乡人 )

Trthe goodsfers Tra majorsfers Trvery goodsfers Trthe actualsfers ( 外乡球员在转会 )

Outlander ( 魔兽战场)

Locing King ( 外乡天王 )

Jovery singleim Low Joveryim Low ( 外乡少帅勒夫 )

Mariachi Gringo ( 外乡乐手 )

Home-Thoughts from Abroad ( 海外乡思 )

Outlander Club ( 外乡人夜总会 )


1. One day when Thor, strongest of the gods, was off fighting these foes, a stranger appeared, riding a powerful gray horse.

译文:有天,最强的神索尔 与对手激战正酣, 一个骑壮硕灰马的外乡人突然出现。

2. The man you are seeking with threats and orders, is here, a foreigner as all believe yet he is from Thebes.

译文:你千方百计寻找的那个人 就在这里 所有人都以为他是个外乡人 其实他来自底比斯。

3. Visitors from abroad have some excess powder they're looking to shed.

译文:那里会有一些外乡人与你接头, 他们想出手一些'货品',但要注意他们极端暴躁。

4. i got some business with a couple out-of-towners


5. Last outsider come up here said the same thing, didn't he?

译文:以前那个上山的外乡人也是这么说的 对吧 -Last outsider come up here said the same thing, didn't he。

6. Here i'm a foreigner, yet it's all so familiar.

译文:柏林 在这儿我是个外乡人 然而我对它是那么熟悉。

7. i gotta get a lot of folks used to the idea of a stranger being around.

译文:对吧 我得说服族里人 Right? I gotta get a lot of folks used to the idea 接受一个外乡人上山 Of a stranger being around.。

8. And my judgment is that the Outlander is correct.


9. Ali said you're the out-of-towner here.

译文:阿里说你在这里是外乡人 Ali said you're the out -of -towner here.。

10. i feel almost like a stranger in my own country.


11. He told the gods they should accept the stranger’s offer, but set such strict conditions that he would fail to complete the wall in time.

译文:他建议众神接受外乡人的提议, 但要给他设置 不可能完成的时限。

12. He tore up two grown men... and was about to eat the king himself... when the Outlander stuck his sword in it.

译文:它撕裂了二个大男人 正要吃掉国王 这时,外乡人一剑刺进了它。

13. There must be strangers in town.


14. Wulfric, you take the Outlander.


15. You know, Outlander... we trade in every direction for a thousand miles.

译文:你知道,外乡人 我们四处行商各个方向, 最远到一千哩外。

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