有效期限用英语怎么说 有效期限英语翻译

有效期限用英语怎么说 有效期限英语翻译

有效期限的英语可以这样说:valid period,还网络中常译为"  expiry date",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到34个与有效期限相关的翻译和例句。


1. valid period

有效期限翻译为valid period。

The validity period defined in the template applies to all certificates issued by any Enterprise ca in the Active Directory forest.


2.   expiry date

有效期限翻译为   expiry date。

Article 6 Availability, Expiry Date and Place for presentation.


3. term of validity

有效期限翻译为term of validity。

The period of effectiveness an authorizing contract may not exceed 10 years.


4. expiry date

有效期限翻译为expiry date。

示例:No... that's the expiry date.
不... 这是截止日期



1. time of validity(有效期限)

2. valid period([化] 有效期限\n[经] 有效期限)

3. ticket availability(客票有效期限)

4. validity of ticket(客票有效期限)

5. unexpired term(未满期限,有效期限)


offering date offering g date ( 报价有效期限 )

contract life Contract expiration ( 合同有效期限 )

bidding cycle ( 投标有效期限 )

option period ( 选择权有效期限 )

account expiration verloopdatum van een account uplynutie platnosti konta ( 帐户有效期限 )

VALID DATES ( 信用卡有效期限至 )

Expir Date ( 卡片有效期限 )

No expiration date There is no expiration date No validity period ( 无有效期限 )

term of credit ( 信用证的有效期限 )


1. Oh, no, the expiration date was 2 months ago. You see...


2. it is impossible for us to disclose it before the expiration of patent.

译文:在专利有效期内 配方是不可能被公开的。

3. isn't this just a one-summer fling?

译文:我们拍拖 有效期只是这个夏天。

4. Try to use it constructively.


5. Come on, give me a time limit. Give me a fair time limit.


6. The only catch is...these are only valid up to tomorrow.

译文:但是 有效期是到明天。

7. it's still out there, so...


8. D-15 before statute of limitations expires

译文:公诉时效期满D -5。

9. No, this casino's a one night offer. We have to do it tonight.


10. The 60 days were over two years ago.


11. You're referring to the statute of limitations but i had no idea this is what Henrik was holding out.

译文:那是法律上的有效期限 我不知道这是亨利答应你的。

12. A lot of money goes for lobbying politicians in order to extend patent periods -- to "evergreen," as it's called.

译文:很多钱被游说政客们收入囊中, 目的是延长专利有效期—— 也被他们叫做“常青树”。

13. Ok, this card is your pass, it's only valid for 3 nights then you have to leave to give space to the people that just arrived.

译文:确定此卡是你的密码,它的唯一有效期只有3个晚上 然后你必须离开,让空间给刚刚抵达的人。

14. The permit is only good for a short time.


15. You'll receive a registered letter with a receipt setting out the modalities and place of payment.

译文:我会给你一封信 里面有收款回执 和有效期内付款的方式和地点。

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