小时计用英语怎么说 小时计的英语翻译

小时计用英语怎么说 小时计的英语翻译

小时计通常被翻译为"  hour meter"的意思,还网络中常译为"  hourmeter",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到73个与小时计相关的翻译和例句。


1.   hour meter

小时计翻译为   hour meter。

They're paid by the hour.


2.   hourmeter

小时计翻译为   hourmeter。

示例:Yorco 和 Zortech 是两家雇佣大量按小时计酬的全职工人的公司。
Yorco and Zortech are two corporations that employ large numbers of full-time workers who are paid by the hour.


3. hourmeter


示例:公开记录表明,Yorco 雇用的按小时计酬的工人数量与 Zortech 大致相同,但每年付给这些工人的工资总额要高得多。
Publicly available records indicate that Yorco employs roughly the same number of such hourly wage workers as Zortech does but spends a far higher total sum per year on wages for such workers.



1. hourmeter(小时计)

2. polyphase watthour meter(多相瓦特小时计)

3. engine hour meter(发动机小时计;发动机运转小时计)

4. hourly earnings([经] 以小时计的工资)

5. ahm(安培小时计 -,人名 丹 阿姆)


ampere hour meter AHM LY-AHDA ( 安培小时计 )

AC watthour meter ( 交流瓦特小时计 )

DC watthour meter ( 直流瓦特小时计 )

watthour meter watt hour meter ( 瓦特小时计 )

commutator type watthour meter ( 换向式瓦特小时计 )

hour meter watt-hour meter ( 瓦小时计 )

mercury type watthour meter ( 水银瓦特小时计 )

induction type watthour meter ( 感应式瓦特小时计 )


1. if i could attend briefings.. i could stay current..

译文:如果我参加简报 就能同时计算...。

2. Top of the next hour, we're gonna talk to Lieutenant Grace Rittle, ex-military command--

译文:下个小时, 下个小时, 下个小时。

3. Just about a half an hour.


4. The scoreboard lit up with "Marry me, Maggie."

译文:当时计分牌闪出这六个字 "美姬,嫁给我吧!"。

5. Depending on the special requirements, on a 24-hour basis, you could conceivably process... as many as 60,000.

译文:到时候取决于特定要求 以二十四小时计 可以处理 大约六千。

6. - You got three minutes, Vossler. Three minutes and counting.

译文:- 你有三分钟 瓦斯勒 三分钟 倒时计时开始。

7. Like in one hour, two hours


8. We spent hours together planning our big escape.


9. - We have 200 rounds each.


10. Thirty-six hours. Thirty-six hours.


11. Uh... 32 hours. 4 more to go.

译文:呃... 32小时 还有4小时。

12. in this hour... as italy has betrayed our Kaiser and maliciously declared war on our homeland... it is you who are the last line of defense for our families and soil.


13. Carl had been planning this trip to Santa Monica... but he had a commitment with RAND, so we took her with us.

译文:Carl当时计划去圣莫尼卡... 他已经和当地的蓝德公司签了约 我们只好带上她。

14. Three hours to come here, nine with you, five with my wife, and three back.

译文:来回3小时 和你9个小时 和老婆5个小时。

15. Do that only if you're paid by the hour.


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