大学中庸用英语怎么说 大学中庸英语翻译

大学中庸用英语怎么说 大学中庸英语翻译



1. medew

2. Zhongyong

3. medeous

4. medewort


1. Zhongyong(中庸)

2. medeous( 中庸)

3. medew( 中庸)

4. medewort( 中庸)

5. mediant consonance(中庸协和)


1. And we are up against the big boys We've got Pitt, UCLA, Texas

译文:我们还有很强的对手 匹兹堡大学,加州大学,德州大学。

2. a little moderate, babble on about compromise.

译文:想采取中庸之道 喋喋不休著折中方案。

3. i went to college in New York, NYU.

译文:我去纽约读了大学 纽约大学。

4. Does anybody have any useful opinions?


5. And AT university is in a third-down situation.


6. There's an expression: Go along to get along.

译文:有一种说法是: 随遇而安,取法中庸。

7. And those who consider themselves only moderately religious really need to look in the mirror and realize that the solace and comfort that religion brings you actually comes at a terrible price.

译文:站出来声明自己的观点 而那些持中庸态度的人。

8. There's a good dirt road after the strip mine, but after that it's all off-road.

译文:矿场后面有一条中庸的泥路 之后就没有路了。

9. Somebody will be gaining a cook.


10. This is why we try to remain centered.

译文:正因如此 我们才要学会中庸之道。

11. And then i go off to college.


12. i know, but it's college, dad... college.

译文:我知道 但这是大学 爸爸 大学。

13. There is no middle, there is no gray, just polarity.

译文:没有中庸中立,没有灰色地带, 只有极端化。

14. - Notre Dame on top of USC.


15. if you know Chapter 23 of 'Doctrine of the Mean'.


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