冲盹儿用英语怎么说 冲盹儿的英语翻译

冲盹儿用英语怎么说 冲盹儿的英语翻译

冲盹儿用英语翻译为"steal a nap",其次还可以说成"sleep a dogsleep",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到70个与冲盹儿相关的短语释义和例句。


1. steal a nap

冲盹儿翻译为steal a nap。

示例:Not full hibernation, but i nap a lot.
but I nap a lot.


2. sleep a dogsleep

冲盹儿翻译为sleep a dogsleep。

示例:Seems like whatever we do, something is always gonna keep us apart. Work, family, sleep.


3. dozers


示例:Send in the dozers. i'm waiting here to tie in my flanks.


4. dozing


示例:it's punishment for dozing off in the theater.



1. sleep a dogsleep(半睡半醒地打个盹儿)

2. Take forty winks(打个盹儿\n小睡片刻)

3. dozing(v. 打盹儿, 打瞌睡( doze的现在分词 ))

4. steal a nap(偷偷地睡一会儿,打盹儿)

5. dozers(n. 推土机(dozer的复数);打盹儿者)


1. You can smell bakery air, walk around with rain hair, pop bubble wrap or take an illegal nap.

译文:可以闻到烤面包的香味,可以冒雨散步, 吹泡泡糖,或者偷偷打个盹儿。

2. My whole life is feeding, winding and nappies.

译文:我整个生活就是 喂她 哄她 跟 打盹儿.。

3. Whatever is going on with your father, a nap is not gonna fix it. Hey, i appreciate your concern, but he's not your patient, all right?

译文:我把他送回家就回来 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}I'm gonna take him home and come right back. 不是打个盹儿就能解决的 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}a nap is not gonna fix it. all right。

4. Coffee in Paris, surfed the Maldives... took a little nap on Mount Kilimanjaro.

译文:在巴黎喝咖啡 在马尔代夫冲浪 在乞力马扎罗山巅打盹儿。

5. i was just going in for a quick nap.


6. i take a nap now. i very old.

译文:我得打个盹儿 我年纪大了。

7. They'll say, "We never felt comfortable falling asleep.

译文:她们会说 "我们只是一感觉要打盹儿就不自在"。

8. You can smell bakery air, walk around with rain hair, pop bubble wrap or take an illegal nap.

译文:可以闻到烤面包的香味,可以冒雨散步, 吹泡泡糖,或者偷偷打个盹儿。

9. i hope you get more than an expensive nap.


10. "He's got to sleep sometime."


11. You all keep talking. i'm gonna catch a few winks.

译文:嗯 你们大家继续聊 我要先打一下盹儿。

12. But you were singing to someone.

译文:我不过是在上面打个盹儿罢了 我怎么听到你在唱歌呢。

13. i dropped offthat baggage rack on the train.

译文:我在火车行李架上打盹儿的时候, 磕着脑袋了。

14. "He's got to sleep sometime."


15. We sneak in, catch the dragon before it wakes, make a fast attack, grab the gem and fly back.

译文:我们悄悄地进去,趁黑龙还没醒盹儿 来个奇袭,抢走龙石再飞回来。

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