百战不殆用英语怎么说 百战不殆英语翻译

百战不殆用英语怎么说 百战不殆英语翻译

百战不殆的英语为"  Know yourself",还经常被译作you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到15个与百战不殆相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Know yourself

百战不殆翻译为   Know yourself。

Enterprises to competition in the market in an invincible position, it is necessary to combine the enterprises, and strive to explore an effective incentive mechanism.


2. you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.

百战不殆翻译为you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.。

Sunzi said: To know oneself, to know your rivals, you will always win the game. The old knew his own advantage, meanwhile, he was not arrogant blindly.



1. ojha( 身经百战)

2. macgruber([电影]百战天虫)

3. dinosaurus( 百战天龙;恐龙兽)

4. victorius( 百战百胜;维克脱利;维多里)

5. victoriuss( 百战百胜;维克脱利;维多里\n(victorius 的复数))


Know yourself ( 知己知彼百战不殆 )


1. it will help you to conquer all!


2. The hell are you doing there, MacGyver?

译文:你在那干吗呢 百战天龙。

3. - Who's won every battle he's fought.

译文:- 那孩子百战百胜。

4. Stay close to this and you'll do okay.

译文:紧跟指南 你百战百胜。

5. Ah, the seasoned professional.


6. "All battles will be won if we know everything about us and them."

译文:知己知彼, 百战百胜啊。

7. No, but it's impossible to win every battle.


8. We need to anticipate her moves.

译文:知己知彼. 百战百胜。

9. Watching it's A Knockout, Dad?

译文:看《百战百胜》吗 爸爸。

10. Yeah. i was pretty victorious.


11. Know thine enemy, know thyself, and ne'er a battle lost.

译文:这叫知己知彼 百战不败。

12. Dotar Sojat. it is forbidden. it is forbidden!

译文:百战勇士别去,这是禁区 这是禁区。

13. it's important to know one's enemy.


14. Skillful and experienced warriors are here.


15. Did you say that Dad is very capable of fighting, and he wins every time?

译文:您不是说 爹能征善战 百战不殆的吗。

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