医疗器械用英语怎么说 医疗器械英语翻译

医疗器械用英语怎么说 医疗器械英语翻译

医疗器械在英语中的翻译是"  Medical Devices",在日常中也可以翻译为"  medical equipment",在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到37个与医疗器械相关的译文和例句。


1.   Medical Devices

医疗器械翻译为   Medical Devices。

The company is a leader in medical instruments.


2.   medical equipment

医疗器械翻译为   medical equipment。

Besides, businesses seek to appeal to customers'senses.


3. medical apparatus and instruments

医疗器械翻译为medical apparatus and instruments。

The dental surgeon disinfected dental instruments with alcohol.


4.   medical instrument

医疗器械翻译为   medical instrument。

示例:it sounds like an infection at best. Maybe a medical instrument.



1. medical appliance(医疗器械)

2. medecins( 医疗器械)

3. medical instrument([医]医疗器械)

4. medical instrumentation([医]医疗器械)

5. medical apparatus(n. 医疗器械)


criteria for medical devices ( 医疗器械标准 )

the Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices ( 医疗器械监督管理条例 )

the national standards for drugs and medical devices ( 国家药品医疗器械标准 )

the Provisions for the Supervision and Management of Medical Device Operation ( 医疗器械经营监督管理办法 )

the Provisions for the Supervision and Management of Medical Device Production ( 医疗器械生产监督管理办法 )

the Provisions for the Flight Check of Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices ( 药品医疗器械飞行检查管理办法 )

Medical Apparatus Factory medical apparatus and instruments factory ( 医疗器械厂 )


1. i ran there by foot. i had no medical equipment.


2. in addition, he's spun off a company from the University called ChemSensing, where they're working on medical equipment.

译文:此外,他将他的公司从大学分离出来, 成立了一家叫ChemSensing从事医疗器械的公司。

3. Okay okay, put the gadget down.


4. This form allowed physicians to document serious medical conditions requiring equipment that would be impacted if the patient's electricity was disconnected.

译文:这张表要求医生 列出严重的健康状况, 申明如果断了电, 患者的医疗器械会受到影响。

5. - Yep. - What did he use to open?


6. it is having access to medical equipment that can actually tell who does have cancer.

译文:它还指能运用 医疗器械 尽可能地帮助癌症患者。

7. i got it. GPO's have been bribed to buy certain products for the hospitals.

译文:我收到了 GPO在替医院采购产品的时候收受贿赂 (GPO 医疗器械集团采购组织)。

8. - The Greek apparatus. - Yes.

译文:那个希腊器械 对。

9. it sounds like an infection at best. Maybe a medical instrument.


10. Now medical devices have come a long way technologically.

译文:当今的医疗器械是经历了 一段很长的科技发展。

11. So the first one i'm going to talk about are implanted medical devices.

译文:那么,我要讲的第一个案例就是 植入性医疗器械。

12. it's medical hardware that's been repurposed as art.


13. We finished the instruments.

译文:- 器械都准备好了。

14. We can help them get necessary equipment in those homes when conditions worsen.

译文:当情况恶化时,帮他们找到必需的 医疗器械。

15. it's jet engines, locomotives, gas turbines, medical devices, communicating seamlessly with each other and with us.

译文:飞机引擎、火车、燃气轮机、 医疗器械可以互相之间、 以及和我们流畅地沟通。

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