自查用英语怎么说 自查的英语翻译

自查用英语怎么说 自查的英语翻译

自查的英语可以这样说:  Self-examination,在日常中也可以翻译为"  Since verification",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到86个与自查相关的释义和例句。


1.   Self-examination

自查翻译为   Self-examination。

Attributes from the slice of the cube model accessed by the query.


2.   Since verification

自查翻译为   Since verification。

Figure 1 shows the transformed HTML output from the viewer.


3.   Self-inspection

自查翻译为   Self-inspection。

These visualizations include cost based information derived from the query execution.


4. self-inspection


示例:Vacant cell D8, ready for inspection.
ready for inspection.



self-inspections on compliance as a routine task ( 日常的合规自查 )

self-response and making revisions ( 自查修改 )

Chap Taylor ( 本片改编自查普 )

Snugness ( 自查引导 )

Chap Taylor ( 本片改编自查普)

Check Your Vocabulary for IELTS ( 雅思词汇自查 )

Automated optical inspection AOI ( 自动光学检查 )

self-enumeration questionnaire ( 自查调查表 )


1. Just having a friendly chat with a couple of citizens here from Charleston, S.C., reminding them they, in fact, do have some rights, if this is still a democracy, as it purports to be.

译文:来自查尔斯顿的朋友聊聊 顺便提醒他们 他们是有权利的 如果口口声声说的民主还在的话。

2. i also know the anonymous call that got him arrested most likely came out of Charming.

译文:我也知道害他被捕的匿名举报 很有可能来自查敏镇。

3. Stop right now. Calm down.


4. King was bored so that he didn't send a lunatic who escaped from prison in for questioning?

译文:你身为御史 私自查案 加上越狱 殿下竟然派爆破民宅的疯子去查案 你竟然还好意思说殿下是闲来无聊。

5. You're not from Charleston, neither.


6. i can't get into the service records of a former police officer with a third party.

译文:我不能私自查记录 尤其不能为了第三方查我们以前的警官。

7. We are not from Charleston.

译文:不 , 我们不是来自查理斯顿。

8. "Just about," they said. "Assholes! What do you mean, just about?"


9. i checked that room myself.


10. Personally read them every day.


11. i haven't seen that much change on a lady since Chaz Bono.

译文:自查兹・波诺以来 我没见过一个女人身上有这么大变化(这么多零钱) I haven't seen that much change on a lady since Chaz Bono.。

12. Checked the log myself. This is where they dropped him off every time.

译文:我亲自查过叫车记录 车行说他每次都在这里下车。

13. Someone told me you're working the Euclid case, independent from Guns and Gangs.

译文:有人说你在独自查Euclid的案子 不跟打黑缉枪组合作。

14. i'll check you out myself.


15. There's one out of the UK where you can pee on a little chip, connect it to your iPhone, and check for an STD.

译文:从这点上说,有一个与众不同, 那就是你可以通过在你的iPhone相连的一小块芯片上小便 来自查是否有性传染病。

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