社会各界用英语怎么说 社会各界英语翻译

社会各界用英语怎么说 社会各界英语翻译

社会各界在英语中的翻译是"  all sectors of the community",还经常被译作the community -,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到81个与社会各界相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   all sectors of the community

社会各界翻译为   all sectors of the community。

She has friends from all walks of life.


2. the community -

社会各界翻译为 the community -。

Fully utilise their research to benefit all sectors of society.


3. all sectors of society

社会各界翻译为all sectors of society。

And yet it has attracted criticism from every point of the spectrum.


4.   All walks of life

社会各界翻译为   All walks of life。

示例:They come from all walks of life.



1. public response( 公众反应;社会各界人士的反应;公众回应)

2. interested circles(有关各界)

3. walk in life(adj. 各界(各行各业))

4. social identity(社会认定、社会认同, 社会认同;社会身分, 社会认同;社会身份)

5. network society(网络社会, 网络社会;网路社会)


public response ( 社会各界人士的反应 )

Community of caring people ( 社会各界的爱心人士 )

the great walks ( 社会各界的伟大 )

the guest from various circles ( 社会各界来宾 )

Asked community advice ( 公开征求社会各界意见 )


1. welcome, friends from around the world. Let's get started, OK?

译文:所有Onhalm欢迎各界朋友莅临 好吧,让我们开始。

2. it was an open innovation, ideas from all over were welcome.

译文:这是一个开放的创新, 欢迎来自各界的想法。

3. i needed help. A lot of help.

译文:我需要帮助 来自各界的帮助。

4. Of such attention Unless we all are


5. The man used to be admired by people of all walks of life.

译文:该名男子曾经是钦佩 由社会各界人士。

6. We need to know how much and how fast, so the world and its communities can plan for the sea level rise that's coming.

译文:我们需要知道它的变化幅度和速度 这样社会各界才能做好准备 应对未来的海平面上升。

7. Taiwanese all rushed to provide relief


8. Ladies and gentlemen of the press,


9. Everyone is calling about the time.

译文:-部长 各界都在等药等得快发疯了。

10. The fan mail. Eleven percent con, 89 percent pro.


11. iNCRA would also be based on a very, very clear governance structure that would avoid any conflict of interest, and it would include many stakeholders from society.

译文:INCRA还将基于 一个十分明确的管理结构 避免利益冲突 涵盖社会各界的利益攸关者。

12. But since that time, over a dozen professional excavations have been attempted and funded by everyone from actors

译文:自那开始 许多挖掘队 开始努力挖掘并且在社会各界中筹资。

13. Now the Party can work with all delegates to build a new state,

译文:如今我党能够跟社会各界贤达 在此共商建国大业。

14. And the awful thing is, there are so many other examples out there from all walks of life.

译文:而且糟糕的是, 有太多这样的例子 存在于各行各界。

15. For the next several hours all public transportation will stop temporarily...

译文:目前需要各个公司交通机关等 社会各界的协助。

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