麻黄用英语怎么说 麻黄的英语翻译

麻黄用英语怎么说 麻黄的英语翻译

麻黄用英语说"ephedra -",还可以翻译为ephedra -,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到40个与麻黄相关的释义和例句。


1. ephedra -

麻黄翻译为 ephedra -。

It was then far into the night, the sea was without a ripple, even the ever-troubled murmur of the casuarinas was at rest.


2. ephedra -

麻黄翻译为 ephedra -。

Ephedra was banned in 2004 after causing more than 16, 000 adverse events, including several cases of stroke and death.


3. ephedrine -

麻黄翻译为 ephedrine -。

Take bitter orange extract, a substance that has replaced ephedra as an ingredient in many weight-loss supplements.


4. mahuang


1. ephedrae herba(麻黄)

2. Ephedra distachya( 双穗麻黄;麻黄属;山麻黄)

3. ephedra przewalskii stapf(膜果麻黄;蛇麻黄)

4. casuarina(木麻黄 )

5. she-oak(木麻黄 )


Casuarinaceae Casuarina Branch ironwood trees branch ( 木麻黄科 植 )

Casuarina equisetifolia Casuarina glauca planting ( 木麻黄 )

ephedrine efedryna efedrin ( 麻黄素 药 )

Ephedra Ephedra Tourn ex Mexican tea joint-fir ( 麻黄属 植 )

Ephedra intermedia Ephedra intermedia Schrenk E. intermedia Schrenk ex Mey ( 中麻黄 植 )

Casuarina ( 木麻黄属 植 )

Ephedra przewalskii ( 膜果麻黄 )

Casuarina glauca ( 粗枝木麻黄 )

Casuarina cunninghamiana Australian beef wood river oak ( 细枝木麻黄 )


1. i shouldn't have given them all that meth, then.


2. i was just checking in. Look, maybe he od'd on the oxycodone, but where did the alprazolam and ephedra come from?

译文:听着 也许他过量服用可待因 但佳乐定和麻黄是从哪儿来的呢。

3. Caught him boosting ephedrine and propyl alcohol.


4. There was no ephedrine over there or over here.

译文:没有服用麻黄素 以前没有 现在也没有。

5. Put all that Sudafed down in the basement, Carl.

译文:把所有盐酸伪麻黄碱 都放到地下室去 Carl。

6. The drug test didn't screen for pseudoephedrine.

译文:有 药检不会排除麻黄硷。

7. Toxicology hit for lysergic acid and methamphetamine.


8. High levels of residue. From methamphetamine production, which might explain.


9. Damn it, Jessica, you've got your tit in the pseudoephedrine!

译文:该死的,杰西卡, 你有你的针锋相对 在伪麻黄碱。

10. The shrine is dedicated to Chandragupta's guru, and it holds the key to the incredible tale of how at the height of his power the king renounced his empire.

译文:多了受不了 在中亚,苏摩仍然被用作药材 这种植物的有效成分是麻黄素。

11. i need to buy her Sudafed, but i'm under 18 and her driver's license was revoked.

译文:我要给她买些盐酸伪麻黄碱 我还不满xx岁 她的驾照也已经吊销了。

12. Yeah, gym's a good place to score some ephedra.

译文:嗯 健身房是获得麻黄的好地方。

13. i just need to see the stuff with the pseudoephedrine.


14. So they're Mexican ephedra.


15. info received from officers is that he purchased

译文:据警方得到的情报 他今天上午购买了晶体脱氧麻黄硷。

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