四心用英语怎么说 四心的英语翻译

四心用英语怎么说 四心的英语翻译

四心用英语翻译为"  four thoughts",其次还可以说成"  heart",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到13个与四心相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   four thoughts

四心翻译为   four thoughts。

This article presented two theorems: the theorem of relative instantaneous dwell and the theorem of four centers.


2.   heart

四心翻译为   heart。

The sailor left for sea again because the hunger for voyages fed at his heart.


3.   four hearts

四心翻译为   four hearts。

It's a vertical-hanging painting with a first draft in the middle and silk purfle surrounded.



1. quad cable(扭绞四心电缆)

2. tetrakaidekahedra( 四心斋戒)

3. four-limbed(〔电信〕四心的,四芯柱的,四插脚的)

4. four center polymerization(四中心聚合)

5. tetracarpellary(a. [植]四心皮的)


fourth heart sound atrial sound ( 第四心音 )

quad cable quadedcable quaded cable ( 扭绞四心电缆 )

Tudor arch ( 四心拱 )

four core cable four-wire cable quadruplex cable quad cable ( 四心电缆 )

four-center approximate method ( 四心近似法 )

three-phase four core cable ( 三相四心电缆 )

The Four Immeasurables or Infinite States of Mind catvāri apramāṇāni Four Unlimited Hearts four imm( 四无量心 )


1. Fourth step: let's build some empathy for our fellow citizens.

译文:第四步:我们需要 建立对彼此的同理心。

2. Four years in the service. Purple Heart.

译文:曾服役xx年 被授予紫心勋章。

3. The tur's pressing down On the floor of the fourth ventricle, Which is causing the nausea.

译文:肿瘤压迫第四脑室的底壁 导致恶心。

4. "but nothing can change it"


5. My heart is Mal Soon's and Mal Soon's heart is mine.

译文:我的心就是小姐的心 小姐的心就是我的心。

6. Pride? Afraid of what people will say?

译文:自尊心 还是怕别人说三道四。

7. 675)}うた 150)\blur3}记忆に眠る心のレゾナンス

译文:675)}うた 150)\blur3}不以言语编织的诗歌。

8. Lat your haart and gut guida you.

译文:跟心走 跟心走。

9. Heart on a line, now you've got the eight... now you give me the fourth.

译文:线上的心,然后是个8 你给我第四个符号。

10. You said you're worried about those students.

译文:废话! 还不是你说你担心那四个学生。

11. Conscientiousness and sympathy.


12. it looks like somebody is trying to make a mess.

译文:四处宣传这种谣言 我们也没法心平气和了。

13. - it's just nerves, Madame, nerves.

译文:- 那只是心里担心, 夫人, 只是担心.。

14. You got no kids, no debts. No enemies. Four years in the service.

译文:无子 无债 无树敌 服役xx年 获紫心勋章一枚。

15. She kept on repeating day after day... that she'd never owned such a beautiful coat.

译文:她开心了四天 她从来没这么开心过。

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