经济价值用英语怎么说 经济价值英语翻译

经济价值用英语怎么说 经济价值英语翻译

经济价值的英语是"economic benefit -",还网络中常译为"economic value -",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到44个与经济价值相关的翻译和例句。


1. economic benefit -

经济价值翻译为 economic benefit -。

Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern business people who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad.


2. economic value -

经济价值翻译为 economic value -。

The economic importance of forests has been understood since the dawn of man—wood was the first fuel.


3. economic worth -

经济价值翻译为 economic worth -。

Its economic value depends on the quality of output and how it is commercialized.


4. economic value -

经济价值翻译为 economic value -。

示例:And think about the economic value they have provided by that experience.
想想他们通过体验创造的 经济价值。



1. economic value([经] 经济价值)

2. economic species(有经济价值的种)

3. economic values( 经济的价值;经济价值观;经济意义)

4. value economics([经] 价值经济学)

5. economic value added( 经济增加值;经济附加值;经济附加价值)


Valor Economico ( 经济价值报 )

economic worth of project ( 工程经济价值 )

Economic Value Added ( 经济价值的增值 )

Economic value added ( 经济价值增加 )

Economic value method Economics Value Added ( 经济价值法 )

The Economic Value of Education ( 教育的经济价值 )

economic life value ( 生命的经济价值 )

total economic value ( 总经济价值 )

economic flow rate ( 有经济价值的产量 )


1. Of not just creating economic value but creating social value.

译文:也就是不仅要创造经济价值 也要有社会价值。

2. And there are all these animals, and all these people happy, and there's this economic value.

译文:(掌声) 这里有这些动物,这些快乐的人们, 而且还有经济价值。

3. Their visions of what we should do, assuming that with our economy gone... America and the other countries are bound to abandon us.

译文:前提是 如果以美国为首的各国 抛弃失去经济价值的日本人。

4. Shared value is when we can create social value and economic value simultaneously.

译文:共享价值就是,我们可以 同时创造社会和经济价值。

5. By design, they create more value for the economy.

译文:它们的设计就决定了 能为经济发展创造更多价值。

6. in the way that we actually measure production, productivity and value in the economy, of course Goldman Sachs workers are the most productive.

译文:我们实际在衡量生产,生产力 和经济价值的方式, 当然,高盛的员工是最具生产力的。

7. (Applause) And there are all these animals, and all these people happy, and there's this economic value.

译文:(掌声) 这里有这些动物,这些快乐的人们, 而且还有经济价值。

8. i could talk on the hard, practical dollars-and-cents value of Christ in commerce.

译文:我可以说说商业中的耶稣的好处,勤奋,实践 纯经济价值。

9. The other thing, it's generated, obviously, a lot of economic value; it's also inspired, i think, a lot of great architecture.

译文:另一件事,很明显,它产生了大量的经济价值; 我想,它也激发了许多伟大的建筑。

10. At the species level, it's been estimated that insect-based pollination, bees pollinating fruit and so on, is something like 190 billion dollars-worth.

译文:从物种层面来说, 昆虫的授粉过程, 例如蜜蜂给水果授粉等, 据估计大约含有1.9千亿美元的经济价值。

11. The acacia trees are of a very low value but we need them to restore the micro-climate, to protect the soil and to shake out the grasses.

译文:合欢树是一个经济价值非常低的植物 但我们需要它们来恢复微气候,以保护土壤 并打开这片荒草地。

12. And it could make monetary sense.


13. So once those technologies have an economic margin, which this gives them, that's where the global public will get all their plastic from, from existing plastic.

译文:一旦这项产业为这些科技 带来了经济价值, 这将会使全世界的塑料需求 都转向回收塑料。

14. What that means is that it's time to move to a new level of economic value.

译文:那意味着 转战到一个新的经济价值的时候到了。

15. At the species level, it's been estimated that insect-based pollination, bees pollinating fruit and so on, is something like 190 billion dollars-worth.

译文:从物种层面来说, 昆虫的授粉过程, 例如蜜蜂给水果授粉等, 据估计大约含有1.9千亿美元的经济价值。

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