轴线用英语怎么说 轴线的英语翻译

轴线用英语怎么说 轴线的英语翻译

轴线的英语翻译是"  axial line",还网络中常译为"  axes",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到52个与轴线相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   axial line

轴线翻译为   axial line。

The theoretical equation of the centerlinedilution along the axis of jets in coflow ambient is developed.


2.   axes

轴线翻译为   axes。

This time I'll do it right with a spool of thread.


3. Axis


First, you draw the horizontal and vertical axes.


4. 109 In underground engineering the cavity axis should be designed to intersect fractures with large

轴线翻译为 109 In underground engineering the cavity axis should be designed to intersect fractures with large。

示例:it must be a large cavity.



1. phase axis(轴线)

2. shaft line(轴线)

3. eddy axis(涡流轴线)

4. guidance axis(导向轴线)

5. gun bore line(炮膛轴线)


Beam axis ( 声束轴线 )

axis of weld weld line ( 焊缝轴线 机 )

axix of strain gauge ( 应变计轴线 )

AXES axle wire central axis Axis ( 中轴线 )

coaxial line in-line alignment ( 共轴线 数 )

dam axis ( 坝轴线 )

axis of weld axis of a weld ( 焊接轴线 机 )

Gear axis ( 齿轮轴线 )


1. You won't be surprised to hear that if i take this circular magnet, in which the magnetic field is the same all around, the superconductor will be able to freely rotate around the axis of the magnet.

译文:如果我拿出这样一个环形磁铁, 你们就不会感到惊讶, 在这个环形磁铁里,各处的磁场是相同的, 超导体能够绕着磁铁的轴线自由旋转。

2. And this happened by accident that i got this right on axis with the dining room table.

译文:我无意地把开窗 与餐桌放在了一条轴线上。

3. We zoom in here by filtering the street to the middle, like this, and then i ask the students: is this what your bedroom looks like?

译文:我们选择街道轴线, 然后拉到中间, 选择中间的一小段, 然后我问那些学生: 你的卧室是这样的吗。

4. Because it's along the axis of the mid-ocean ridge where the great crustal plates are separating.

译文:因为这条山脉的走向正沿着大洋中脊的轴线, 在那儿,巨大的地壳板块正在分裂。

5. We punched a bunch of heat probes. Everything made sense, except, at the axis, there was missing heat. it was missing heat.

译文:我们施放了大量探热仪。一切都顺理成章, 除了在轴线上有丢失热的现象外。它正在丢失热。

6. Well, if so, then there must be another axis that crosses it.

译文:这样的话 必定会有另外一条轴线与之相交。

7. We flew in a Fieseler Storch, over the Russian lines and landed on the East-West axis, close to here.

译文:我们找了架Fieseler Storch轻型飞机, 直接飞越了俄国人的边界... ...并降落在东西轴线,离这儿不远。

8. But he didn't realize that a futon slept on by the weight of three men would be off its axis and slope to the center.

译文:但是他没意识到三个男人的重量 会使床垫脱离轴线,滑向中心。

9. But life doesn't evolve in a line, and it doesn't end with us.

译文:但生物并不是在一条轴线上进化的, 也不是在我们这里终结的。

10. To avoid getting lost divers carry with them a spool of string.

译文:为了避免迷路 潜水员必须随身携带一捆轴线。

11. The second type, spin, involves an object rotating, or turning on its axis in place.

译文:第二种,自旋,是一个物体的旋转, 也就是在原地绕它的轴线旋转。

12. Sohio is on the axis here, and we followed the axis, and they're two kind of goalposts.

译文:Sohio公司的大楼在这条轴线上 我们延续了这条轴线,这个建筑有点像球门。

13. And the vertical axis is how often the car is going to apply the brakes when it's supposed to to help you avoid an accident.

译文:竖直的轴线表示车会 在你需要避免事故时 采取制动刹车的频率。

14. Like, change the axis. Like, people are totally gonna blow minds.


15. You won't be surprised to hear that if i take this circular magnet, in which the magnetic field is the same all around, the superconductor will be able to freely rotate around the axis of the magnet.

译文:如果我拿出这样一个环形磁铁, 你们就不会感到惊讶, 在这个环形磁铁里,各处的磁场是相同的, 超导体能够绕着磁铁的轴线自由旋转。

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