癞皮狗用英语怎么说 癞皮狗的英语翻译

癞皮狗用英语怎么说 癞皮狗的英语翻译

癞皮狗在英语中的翻译是"mangy dog",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到84个与癞皮狗相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. mangy dog

癞皮狗翻译为mangy dog。

What is even more pitiable is that a mange dog won't accept help, even when we mean well.



1. This mangy thing came at me out of nowhere.

译文:这癞皮狗总跟着我 我想他有狂犬病。

2. Leo is just a sly dog. -Just schmooze and loose living.

译文:里奥只是条癞皮狗 只会闲聊混日子。

3. 'Blackness. A mangy dog barks.

译文:"无尽的黑暗 一只癞皮狗在叫唤。

4. They say 'like attracts like' right?


5. Come on, you filthy, slimy, mangy character!


6. And as she started laboring... a mangy dog walked up beside her.

译文:他虽然是在工作 送货上门,一个癞皮狗狗走近他。

7. Will you at least get that vermin to shut up?


8. He's not gonna be a problem.

译文:那也没问题,我们 并以此为癞皮狗狗。

9. As hounds and greyhounds, mongrels, spaniels, curs, shoughs water-rugs and demi-wolves are clept, all by the name of dogs.

译文:正像家狗 野狗 猎狗 叭儿狗 狮子狗 杂种狗 癞皮狗 统称为狗一样。

10. What kind of man the " Mangy Dog" was? For what business he came to there? Let me explain in next chapter.


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