朝山用英语怎么说 朝山的英语翻译

朝山用英语怎么说 朝山的英语翻译

朝山在英语中的翻译是"  II Pilgrimage II",还可以翻译为make a pilgrimage to a temple on a famous mountain,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到29个与朝山相关的译文和例句。


1.   II Pilgrimage II

朝山翻译为   II Pilgrimage II。

He headed downhill toward the river.


2. make a pilgrimage to a temple on a famous mountain

朝山翻译为make a pilgrimage to a temple on a famous mountain。

By now, my companions, fully alert, were firing at other targets down the slope.


3.   Pilgrimage

朝山翻译为   Pilgrimage。

I was approaching a fairly sharp bend that swept downhill to the left.



Takao Asayama ( 朝山贵生 )

Kangyur Ceremony By Kalu Rinpoche ( 朝山扛经绕塔法会 )

Dachaoshan Hydropower Station ( 大朝山水电站 )

Asayamacho ( 朝山町 )

Imazuasayama ( 今津朝山 )

Asayamacho Asakura ( 朝山町朝仓 )

Mountain Wanchaoshan Nature Reserve ( 万朝山自然保护区 )

Asaka Hirayama ( 平山朝香 )


1. And he said, "Well, you take the controls, and you fly towards that mountain."


2. They're heading into the hills. We'll need the helicopters.

译文:他们朝山区走 我们需要直升机。

3. She had to go to Narayama.


4. They're firing for the Ridge.


5. Cross the field and walk toward the mountain.

译文:穿过这片田野 朝山的方向走 Cross the field and walk toward the mountain.。

6. Eva, i need you to throw a bundle of the dynamite into that hillside every time i say.

译文:伊娃,我要你朝山坡上丢炸药 我一发号令就丢,明白吗。

7. Looking out over the hills, wondering if a former life he had been a cowboy, part of Ben wished Fran wasn't so rigid about the size requirements of her man.

译文:Ben朝山那边望去 幻想着自己前世 会不会是个牛仔 他希望Fran对自己男人的身材。

8. Right, left, towards the sea or the mountains... the North, the South... near or far, up or down...

译文:右边 左边 朝海 还是朝山... 北边 南边... 近还是远 上还是下...。

9. And he said, "Well, you take the controls, and you fly towards that mountain."


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