酒店门口用英语怎么说 酒店门口英语翻译

酒店门口用英语怎么说 酒店门口英语翻译

酒店门口的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为hotel entrance,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到31个与酒店门口相关的翻译和例句。


1. hotel entrance

酒店门口翻译为hotel entrance。

Marc and I would cross the square each morning and part outside the hotel.



1. doorway(门口 )

2. door way(门口)

3. doora( 门口)

4. doorah( 门口)

5. doorsteppers( 门口)


I am in front of the hotel you etc ( 我在酒店门口等你 )

To ensure the hotel main entrance area clean at all times ( 保持酒店门口的清洁 )

Indoor Volley Beach ( 酒店门口人工沙滩 )


1. Max, the guy who died in front of our shop last night was a rock star.

译文:Max 昨晚死在我们店门口那人 是个摇滚明星。

2. Told you not to smoke in front of the shop.


3. Outside the goodluck restaurant.

译文:30 嘉运酒店门口。

4. i remember! You were in front of the store yesterday.

译文:啊 昨天在店门口了吧。

5. Hey, can't we do something... about those two stoners Hanging around... outside the store all the time?

译文:hey, 我们干点儿什么不行吗? 那两个家伙老是在咱们店门口卖毒品 老是在店门口。

6. At the entrance of the jewellery shop


7. They were staring at us in front of the hotel too.


8. it's not those guys in trucks from the convenience store, is it?


9. - How do you do? - We're old friends. We meet coming out of shops.

译文:一你好 一我们是老朋友了.我们是店门口遇到的。

10. He told me to meet him at the shop to get it.


11. There's somebody at the door of the shop.


12. Meet me in front of the Sheraton Hotel, i'll hand over your money.

译文:来喜来登酒店门前找我 我会亲自把你的钱给你。

13. They're taken at the entrance of a love hotel


14. At the entrance there's a statue of Lino, the mascot of the hotel and favourite of all children.


15. So, if he wants to stop at the liquor store,

译文:所以 如果他想在酒类专卖店门口停车。

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