拒收用英语怎么说 拒收的英语翻译

拒收用英语怎么说 拒收的英语翻译

拒收的英语是"rejection",其次还可以说成"  rejectable",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到34个与拒收相关的翻译和例句。


1. rejection


Our only complaint would be if the cheque bounced.


2.   rejectable

拒收翻译为   rejectable。

Subscribers should be allowed call-blocking services, but equally, they should be able to choose whether to accept calls from blocked numbers.


3.   dishonour

拒收翻译为   dishonour。

Georgetown University rejected him.


4.   Reject

拒收翻译为   Reject。

示例:No, i reject it because i do not believe in fairy tales...
I reject it because I do not believe in fairy tales...



1. reject lot(拒收批)

2. rejection criteria(拒收标准)

3. rejection mark(拒收标记)

4. rejection of results(结果拒收)

5. Rejection Risk(拒收险)


Rejection Risk G rejection Risk of Rejection Rejection Clause ( 拒收险 )

Rejection level ( 拒收水平 )

refused freight ( 收货人拒收的货物 )

politely decline ( 彬彬有礼地托辞拒收 )

Message Block ( 邮件拒收 )

Reject Material ( 管理拒收的物料 )

rejected goods rejection of the goods ( 拒收货物 )

lot tolerance percent defective ( 拒收水准 )

message reject ( 信息拒收 )


1. After the fourth rejection, we requested reconsideration of the manuscript, because we strongly suspected that one of the reviewers who had rejected it had a financial conflict of interest in a competing technology.

译文:在第四次拒收后, 我们要求对稿件进行重审, 因为我们严重怀疑 审核小组中一位拒绝此稿件的成员 在与之竞争的技术领域 有经济利益纠葛。

2. They suspended my license and sent out an alert to pharmacies saying that no one should accept my prescriptions.

译文:他们吊销了我的从医执照 然后给医疗机构都发出了警告 They suspended my license and sent out an alert to pharmacies 让他们拒收我的处方笺 saying that no one should accept my prescriptions.。

3. An imperfection or discontinuity that maybe detectable by NDE and is not necessary rejectable.


4. it had better not be rejected.


5. Non-compliant product in production or unshipped will be rejected.


6. Thanks for not mentioning that my last three prototype bids got rejected.

译文:谢谢你没提 我前三个引擎原型被拒收。

7. He tried to buy me off, and when i didn't take his money, he took away the only thing in the world that i ever truly cared about.

译文:他想收买我 当我拒收他的钱 他夺走这个世界上。

8. Unfortunately, for the last few years, we have been unable to match the amount of students that Yale, Princeton, or even Stanford rejects, primarily because of our physical limitations.

译文:不幸的是,最近几年 我们所拒收的学生数目 远比不上耶鲁,普林斯顿,甚至斯坦福。

9. i didn't get accepted anywhere.


10. it's another rejection, i'll never be a dancer,

译文:- 又是拒收单. 都不愿收我。

11. You know how you can block those newsletters that you never signed up for by sending an e-mail with "unsubscribe" in the body?


12. The exclusivity of any university is judged primarily by the amount of students it rejects.

译文:一所学校的好坏 取决于它所拒收的 学生数目。

13. i ought to refuse to accept the money. it's government money.

译文:我应该拒收这些钱 这是政府的钱。

14. All Materials, unless identified as approved or rejected by the Quality Unit, must be considered to be in a Quarantined Status.


15. After achieving what we felt were remarkable results, our manuscript was rejected by four journals.

译文:在获得这个我们自认为非凡的成就之后, 我们的稿件 被4家杂志拒收。

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