自行安排交通用英语怎么说 自行安排交通英语翻译

自行安排交通用英语怎么说 自行安排交通英语翻译

自行安排交通用英语说"institutional arrangements",在日常中也可以翻译为"bundobust",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到95个与自行安排交通相关的短语释义和例句。


1. institutional arrangements

自行安排交通翻译为institutional arrangements。

示例:And make the arrangements for the funeral.
And make the arrangements for the funeral. 安排葬礼吧。


2. bundobust

3. make arrangement

自行安排交通翻译为make arrangement。

示例:i will make the arrangement.


4. make arrangements for

自行安排交通翻译为make arrangements for。

示例:Now, we make arrangements,
现在,我们可以开始后面的事了 Now, we make arrangements,



1. make arrangements for(安排)

2. bundobust(安排)

3. institutional arrangement(制度安排;制序安排;机构安排)

4. make arrangement( 安排;作安排;做安排准备)

5. institutional arrangements( 制度安排;制度性安排;机构安排)


1. We've shared transportation.


2. Moving violation, moving violation...


3. i will personal be in charge of the retreat, and arrange the transport.

译文:我亲自来负责善后 安排交通运输。

4. We've shared transportation.


5. We're improving the traffic control. it's just temporarily.

译文:{\fnSimHei\bord1\shad1\pos(200,288)}交通整顿 临时安排的。

6. Just checkin' the traffic.


7. Well, that traffic killed me.


8. i think the question of vaccine-hesitant parents, in my research, is it raises important questions about where parents weigh information, who they trust, how we're communicating science, whether the parents trust the science that goes into this.

译文:他们常自行安排排程 你执业大概也看过这种人吧? 这些家长过来挑挑选选。

9. - When did it all pile up so much?


10. How to distribute it between pedestrians, bicycles, public transport and cars?

译文:如何将它分配给行人 自行车、公共交通和汽车呢。

11. And of course it's very difficult to have mass transit or to use bicycles in such environments.

译文:当然这就为使用 公共交通或使用自行车 带来了诸多不便。

12. Yes, for instance, for immigrant workers returning home for the holidays...

译文:就会安排特派列车 否则无法处理好交通问题。

13. Traffic. Traffic jam. Traffic light.

译文:交通 交通拥堵 交通灯。

14. it asks for the company's help arranging ground transportation and hotels.

译文:它要寻求海外公司的帮助 安排交通和住宿。

15. Traffic is... convenience.

译文:交通 方便。

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