藤条用英语怎么说 藤条的英语翻译

藤条用英语怎么说 藤条的英语翻译

藤条用英语翻译为"  efil eht yojne",还经常被译作  Rattan,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到93个与藤条相关的翻译和例句。


1.   efil eht yojne

藤条翻译为   efil eht yojne。

Opportunities, you see, are like vines.


2.   Rattan

藤条翻译为   Rattan。

My baby slept safe from harm in her white wicker bassinet.


3.   The Cane

藤条翻译为   The Cane。

In the flooded forest, vines and roots created a web of gnarled wood covered with every type of biting insect.


4. rattan


示例:Working with rattan basket makers to come up with products.
和藤篮制作者合作, 一起创造产品。



1. rattan(藤条 )

2. rattan bar(藤条)

3. rattansi( 藤条)

4. rattany( 藤条)

5. rattens( 藤条)


Joji KATO ( 加藤条治 )

Egg Wicker Armchair ( 蛋形藤条吊椅 )

REED DIFFUSER ( 藤条香薰套装 )

REED DIFFUSER ( 藤条香熏套装 )

cane fender ( 藤条碰垫 )

All Garland ( 所有藤条 )


1. Since there are those who own the plantations... and those who own the machete to cut cane for the owners.

译文:因为那些拥有种植园的人 还有那些拥有庄园的人 让我们去割藤条。

2. it's not a cane, you cretin. it's a walking stick.


3. i was playing with them in the backyard, and the girl was climbing on the vines, and i kept telling her to stop and get down, and...

译文:我在后院和他们玩 小女孩爬到藤条上 我叫她别爬了 下来...。

4. The cane on the ass and slaps in the face rang in your ears for days.

译文:用藤条打屁股 打耳光 印痕一直到耳朵哪儿 留在脸上好多天。

5. in the dead of night, the rebels lowered themselves down the cliffside on ropes made from vines, and flanked Glaber’s unguarded camp.

译文:夜深人静时, 叛者用藤条制成的绳索从悬崖下山, 并从一侧攻击了毫无防备的军营。

6. i really want to know if this jaturong art can beat my cane?


7. Mother will hear you. She's got a bamboo stick.

译文:你会被姆妈听见 她有一根藤条。

8. Prime Minister Tojo, Senator Edwards my fellow Americans and our millions of illegal aliens.

译文:藤条首相 爱德华兹参议员 美国同胞们 和上百万的非法移民。

9. The vines just took hold of her, and they wouldn't let go.

译文:藤条缠住了她 不肯松开。

10. We could use one of these textures. They've got the rattan.

译文:我们可以这种纹理中的一种 他们是用藤条做的.。

11. i'm imagining a lot of rattan and plastic orchids.


12. You see that? They all assume i'm a patient because of this cane.

译文:你看 就因为这根藤条他们都以为我是个病人。

13. They caned me and caned me till i was bloody.

译文:他们用藤条抽我 把我抽得遍体鳞伤。

14. - And then, Jose Dolores says... that we must cut heads instead of cane.

译文:然后荷西. 杜洛斯说 我们必须割头而不是藤条。

15. Well, the crown, for lack of a better word, rose thorns, early cane, switchgrass wrapped around a bent branch, and the horns are deer antlers.

译文:我只能暂时称其为王冠 由玫瑰刺 嫩藤条和柳条 绕着弯曲的树枝编成。

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