党团用英语怎么说 党团的英语翻译

党团用英语怎么说 党团的英语翻译

党团的英语可以这样说:  Latino Legislative Caucus,还网络中常译为"  Caucus",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到82个与党团相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Latino Legislative Caucus

党团翻译为   Latino Legislative Caucus。

The People's Party group, as the largest political group in the European Parliament, is duty-bound in every means.


2.   Caucus

党团翻译为   Caucus。

Mrs Merkel has always been the sworn enemy of class distinctions within the EU.


3.   Greens

党团翻译为   Greens。

But that is not what the conservative caucus-goers want to hear.


4. political parties and other organizations

党团翻译为political parties and other organizations。

示例:Political parties: oh boy.



1. European People's Party( 欧洲人民党;欧洲人民党团)


political groups of the European Parliament European Parliament party group European Parliament pol( 欧洲议会党团 )

political parties ( 党派团体 )

Unity Solidarity Unity Party the Unity Party ( 团结党 )

Congressional Progressive Caucus ( 国会进步党团会 )

Knowledge Contest on the Party and the League Knowledge Contests about the CPC and the CYLC Knowled( 党团知识竞赛 )

Party members talk room The heart-caucus room ( 党团员谈心室 )

Green Party in European Parliament ( 欧洲议会绿党党团 )


1. That's a charming use of party funds.


2. But she's in iowa for the book tour, fluffing caucus-goers for the presidential run.

译文:But she's in Iowa for the book tour, 讨好党团成员 给竞选打基础 fluffing caucus -goers for the presidential run.。

3. The caucus will respect someone who did it the old-fashioned way.

译文:党团会尊重凭实力竞争上来的人 Caucus will respect someone who did it the old。

4. And if they don't, the Republicans in Congress will.

译文:就算司法部无视 国会共和党团也不会放过。

5. i would say potential voters, but of course, here in iowa, citizens caucus instead of vote, and many of the people here in this room will be doing just that on January 15th.

译文:{\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F}爱荷华州民主党竞选辩论 而今天到场的许多人 and many of the people here in this room 都会参加xx月xx日的党团会议 will be doing just that on January 15th.。

6. They're the two most senior members in the caucus.

译文:他们是党团资历最深的两位 轮到他们了 They're the two most senior members in the caucus.。

7. He gives a party and he wants to talk about our problems.

译文:搞一个党团 谈我们的问题。-什么时候。

8. First, the National Republicans, followers of Adams and Clay, the party founders.

译文:首先有民族主义的共和党 创党团体是亚当克雷派系。

9. Yes, you see i'm the leader of a new caucus advocating against the war.

译文:是的 我是一个新党团议会的领导人 提倡反战。

10. who won their state's primary or caucus.


11. - is this one a caucus-goer?

译文:这人是党团成员吗 Is this one a caucus -goer。

12. - Well, we have thehead of the women's caucus.

译文:- 如果有女性党团主席出席。

13. -And lo, God created the Tory party.


14. i've gotta get packets ready for the lunchtime subcaucuses.


15. Cy, Lizzie's just trying to keep the party together.

译文:Cy Lizzie只是想让党团结在一起。

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