炼铁厂用英语怎么说 炼铁厂的英语翻译

炼铁厂用英语怎么说 炼铁厂的英语翻译

炼铁厂在英语中的翻译是"iron works",还网络中常译为"  iron foundry",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到67个与炼铁厂相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. iron works

炼铁厂翻译为iron works。

There are some iron works near the river.


2.   iron foundry

炼铁厂翻译为   iron foundry。

Why put a gallery in an ironworks ?


3.   IM

炼铁厂翻译为   IM。

The first group: Lv Zhenliang is responsible for the supervision of raw materials factory, iron plant activities.


4. iron mill

炼铁厂翻译为iron mill。

示例:We've got propane, wiring, rock salt, iron nails...
iron nails



1. iron mill(炼铁厂)

2. iron smelting plant( 炼铁厂)

3. ironmakers( 炼铁厂)

4. ironplant(n. 炼铁厂)

5. iron work(铁工厂;炼铁厂)


The second ironmaking plant The second iron works ( 第二炼铁厂 )

architectural design of ironmaking plant ( 炼铁厂建筑设计 )

Gharik's Forge ( 加里克的炼铁厂 )

blast furnace plant layout ( 炼铁厂平面布置 )

eisenhuettenkombinat ost ( 东方炼铁联合工厂 )


1. i can smell the ironworks...


2. This is Wuhan iron Steel, one of the world's biggest steel companies.

译文:这里是武钢 世界最大的钢铁厂之一。

3. in fact, it's gonna be fun... watching you and your giant ego try to make a horse race of it.

译文:其实,看你这自大的家伙 如何力拼其他钢铁厂还更有趣。

4. i'm so worried for that boy.

译文:{\fs51\bord0\shad0\pos(192,208)}超 级 8 {\1cHADEAEA}(里兰钢铁厂 - 安全第一)。

5. Eboshi, Mistress of the ironworks, you have fought well!


6. They want to abandon the ironworks!


7. His father was fatally injured at the steel mill.

译文:我)他的父亲是致命伤 在钢铁厂。

8. The ironworks are under attack.


9. Many iron and steel companies in China are in difficulties.

译文:很多中国的钢铁厂 状况都不太好。

10. Because, of course, they don't actually tell you how to do it if you want to do it yourself and you don't have a smelting plant.

译文:因为,当然,书里面实际上并没有提到 在没有冶炼厂的情况下该如何炼铁。

11. i was born in Detroit. My father worked in the steel plant.


12. Because, of course, they don't actually tell you how to do it if you want to do it yourself and you don't have a smelting plant.

译文:因为,当然,书里面实际上并没有提到 在没有冶炼厂的情况下该如何炼铁。

13. Can't the forest and the ironworks live together?

译文:没有森林 的铁厂住在一起吗。

14. We no longer dig ditches by hand, pound tools out of wrought iron or do bookkeeping using actual books.

译文:我们再也不用徒手开挖沟渠, 不用炼铁打铁制造工具, 或者用实体账本记账。

15. From textile factories to iron smelts.


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