战斗疲劳症用英语怎么说 战斗疲劳症英语翻译

战斗疲劳症用英语怎么说 战斗疲劳症英语翻译

战斗疲劳症的英语可以这样说:  combat fatigue,其次还可以说成"combat fatigue",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到30个与战斗疲劳症相关的释义和例句。


1.   combat fatigue

战斗疲劳症翻译为   combat fatigue。

For example, in times of war, it is not unusual for soldiers suffering from sleep deprivation and from combat fatigue to continue to march, despite the fact that their brains have halted.


2. combat fatigue

战斗疲劳症翻译为combat fatigue。

示例:in all-out, kill-or-be-killed combat.
-be -killed combat.



1. shellshocked(a. 患炮弹休克的, 患战斗疲劳症的)

2. shell shock(炮弹休克, 战斗疲劳症\n[医] 炮弹休克, 爆炸性精神异常)

3. frugal fatigue( 省钱疲劳症;加上省钱疲劳症)

4. password fatigue( 密码疲劳;密码疲劳症)

5. feature fatigue(ph. 功能疲劳症)


shellshocked ( 患战斗疲劳症的 )


1. Nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite...

译文:- 呕吐 疲劳 食欲不振。

2. Well, i'll ascribe your insubordination to combat fatigue.

译文:好吧 我打算把你抗令不尊的行为 归咎于战斗疲劳。

3. ionized. They say it's rejuvenating.


4. ME affects children and ME affects millions of men.


5. i feel the same way. Death to the backpack.

译文:同感 旅行的确很疲劳。

6. And the word was indefatigability.

译文:而且字是 不疲劳。

7. You've probably heard it called "chronic fatigue syndrome."

译文:你可能也听说过它被称为 “慢性疲劳综合症”。

8. i think i'm suffering from combat fatigue.


9. Listen, that's not fatigue. it's...

译文:听着 那不是疲劳 那是...。

10. When these cycles of stress and restlessness last several months, they’re diagnosed as chronic insomnia.

译文:当压力和疲劳的循环持续几个月后, 他们会被诊断为慢性失眠症。

11. And the third is fatigue.


12. Come. Drink and chill out!

译文:来 喝酒解疲劳。

13. Fatigue... hair loss, chocolate penis.

译文:疲劳... 脱发,巧克力阴茎。

14. Penny, i'm a little tired now...

译文:- 佩妮,我有些疲劳..。

15. Any other reason why you think you might have chronic fatigue syndrome?


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