异己用英语怎么说 异己的英语翻译

异己用英语怎么说 异己的英语翻译

异己用英语翻译为"dissident otherize",其次还可以说成"alien",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到87个与异己相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. dissident otherize

异己翻译为dissident otherize。

示例:介绍以双丙酮醇为原料 ,经催化加氢合成异己二醇的方法。
A method for the synthesis of hexylene glycol by catalytic hydrogenation from diacetone is presented.


2. alien


All the enemy combatants and dissenters appear to be captured.



1. isocaproaldehyde(异己醛)

2. isocaproic acid(异己酸)

3. isocaproic alcohol(异己醇)

4. isohexyl(异己基)

5. isohexylbenzene(异己苯)


isohexane i-hexane ( 异己烷 有化 )

alien class elements ( 阶级异己分子 )

Exclusivist ( 排斥异己 )

DIOA diisooctyl adipate ( 己酸二异辛酯 )


1. By what we deny ourselves... what we resist... and who we exclude.

译文:不应该否定自己,抗拒一切 或排斥异己。

2. After he gets through killing off the opposition, he'll fight until not a house in Germany is Left standing.

译文:一旦他扫除了所有异己分子 他会一直战斗到德国连一匹 活着的马都没有的时候。

3. Four senators who opposed him were killed without any explanation.


4. i've learnt that Kelvin wanna eliminate the opponents

译文:我收到消息, 阿孝要清除异己。

5. We began with the nativist questions, about immigrants as tools, as others and as parasites.

译文:我们最开始从本土主义的问题出发, 探讨了移民的工具性、 异己性 与寄生性。

6. To fight their enemies they spend much money on employing warriors and established the cold blooded black flag force which secretly received special training.

译文:东厂为了对付异己 不惜用重金去各地招募了一批凶悍死士 组成一支冷血黑骑战队。

7. You freeze out anyone who is just a bit different.


8. Even as advocates welcomed immigrants, many still regarded immigrants as outsiders to be pitied, to be rescued, to be uplifted and to be tolerated, but never fully brought inside as equals in rights and respect.

译文:就算有倡导者欢迎移民, 很多人仍然把移民当作异己分子, 只能被可怜,被拯救, 被激励, 被忍受, 但是从未被平等地、 有尊严地完全接纳。

9. Our sense of otherness grows, and we lose empathy.

译文:我们的异己感在增长, 我们在失去同情心。

10. And if in order to do the best thing for your own people, you screw over everybody else on the planet, that's even better.

译文:而你如果想为人民做好事, 你就要毁掉所有异己,这就更好了。

11. i will end this threat to my rule, as i will all threats.

译文:我将铲除这个王 像我铲除一切异己。

12. And so civility talk in the 17th century becomes a really effective way for members of the religious establishment to silence, suppress, exclude dissenters outside of the established church, especially when they spoke out against the status quo.

译文:因此,在 17 世纪, 礼貌性的谈话成为了 宗教团体成员保持 沉默,压制,排除异己的有效方式, 尤其是当他们公开反对现状的时候。

13. Someone is exploiting the power of the legislature to purge political opponents.

译文:就是有人 在利用议会的制度 去铲除异己。

14. Still, he uses the Juche ideology of self-reliance to justify his rule and crush all dissent.

译文:他却用自力更生的主体思想 治国与铲除异己。

15. The Empress set up infinity Monastery to use the Chaplain to eliminate dissenters.

译文:天后当初设立无极观 就是想要利用国师铲除异己。

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