就俯用英语怎么说 就俯的英语翻译

就俯用英语怎么说 就俯的英语翻译

就俯的英语是"front vault",其次还可以说成"feed face down",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到33个与就俯相关的译文和例句。


1. front vault

就俯翻译为front vault。

I saw the gun and ducked under the window.


2. feed face down

就俯翻译为feed face down。

He knelt and bent lower, till her breath warmed his face, and in a moment his cheek was in contact with hers.


3. downhand welding

就俯翻译为downhand welding。

From the depths of the grave I called for help, and you listened to my cry.


4. pitch under

就俯翻译为pitch under。

示例:The crowd was not happy with the pitch.
The crowd was not happy with the pitch.



1. downhand welding(俯焊)

2. face down feed(俯馈)

3. feed face down(俯馈)

4. front vault(俯腾越)

5. pitch under(下俯)


condescension ( 屈尊俯就 )

patronizing condescending ( 屈尊俯就的 )

to be persuaded to debase oneself ( 曲意俯就 )

patronize ( 以屈尊俯就的态度对待 )

uncondescending ( 不俯就地 )


1. And in the darkness shining


2. A grateful lady pouring out her heart to her deliverer?

译文:接下来呢? 知恩图报的姑娘俯在恩人的胸前 向他敞开心扉吗。

3. Mrs. Shaeffer bent over me, her bust almost touching my face.

译文:Shaeffer夫人向我俯过, 她的乳房几乎擦到我的脸旁。

4. Security room, check out the top view.

译文:- 警卫室,检查俯视情况。

5. The angels prostrate, not before the human body, but before the human soul.

译文:天使们俯拜他,不是俯拜他人类的躯体, 而是俯拜他人类的灵魂。

6. You're diving, Deke. You need to pull back on your stick.

译文:你正在俯冲 "大叔" 你要往后拉操纵杆。

7. Coph. Thou hast heard my voice: turn not away thy ear from my sighs, and cries.


8. For years, he prone paint and his hands full of callosity.


9. it emitted a high-pitched sound and brought everyone to their knees.

译文:它发出尖锐的声响 让人前俯后仰站不住。

10. He's horny and checking out the rooftops.


11. it was built in Qin Dyansty and rebuilt in Ming Dynasty.


12. As he falls, he impales himself on the spear.

译文:它前俯时 用矛刺它。

13. Uh, just push-ups, crunches... a little light running.

译文:呃... 也就是俯地挺身什么的 慢跑之类的。

14. Then Blair Waldorf would be the falcon who dives in and devours them all.

译文:那blair waldorf就是猎鹰 俯冲下去吞了她们。

15. Something about intentional 100-metre vertical drops not being covered.

译文:说什么... 蓄意的百米俯冲不在赔偿CBCC88A6里。

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