投资项目用英语怎么说 投资项目英语翻译

投资项目用英语怎么说 投资项目英语翻译

投资项目用英语翻译为"project -",其次还可以说成"investment project",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到59个与投资项目相关的译文和例句。


1. project -

投资项目翻译为 project -。

They would have to offer cast-iron guarantees to invest in long-term projects.


2. investment project

投资项目翻译为investment project。

At the other firms I have worked at, various forms of this experiment have taken place and this observation holds true through different economic times, different investments, and different firms.



1. investment projects(投资项目)

2. project investment(项目投资)

3. preinvestment project(投资前项目)

4. klimp( 投资项目;投资计划)

5. direct participation programme((投资)直接分享项目)


overseas investment projects ( 境外投资项目核准 )

investment projects that require government review ( 政府核准投资项目 )

preliminary review for investment projects ( 投资项目前置审批 )

China became the third largest foreign investor in Germany in terms of project number ( 中国对德投资项目数量位列第三 )

venture investment project ( 风险投资项目 )

forestry investment project ( 林业投资项目 )

Coal Invested Projects ( 煤炭投资项目 )

Engineering Investment Project ( 工程投资项目 )

Government Investment Item ( 政府投资项目 )

unplanned investment project ( 计划外投资项目 )


1. i think we should triple the amount of money we're spending on it.

译文:我认为我们应该将 对核项目的投资翻倍。

2. This project is co-financed by a "foreigner."

译文:这个项目也有 "海外" 投资。

3. Even so, he's got $25 billion in other investments...

译文:即便如此 他在其他项目上还有250亿投资。

4. Jacob Hale has scraped the bottom of the barrel to fund

译文:Jacob Hale找来的给 Charming Heights项目的投资商。

5. i can help accelerate the funding for the projects that Gillian has brought in.


6. This project with the little bar is all very well, but you wouldn't by any chance be interested to consider a more substantial investment?

译文:这小酒吧项目谈妥了 但你碰巧有没有兴趣 考虑更重要的投资。

7. i've got some, some ideas for the future, some possible business prospects.

译文:我对未来做了些打算 一些可行的投资项目。

8. Bryn Freedman: You're a guy whose company funds these Ai programs and invests.

译文:布莱恩·弗里德曼(BF):你的公司 资助并投资了这些人工智能的项目。

9. This... business you want... you're looking to invest...

译文:这个... 你想做的生意... 你在找投资项目...。

10. But he failed to persuade any conventional sources to give him investment to get the project off the ground.

译文:但是他没能从任何传统途径 获得投资以启动项目。

11. Hale's backing on Charming Heights is gonna fall apart.

译文:Hale给Charming Heights住房项目 拉到的投资者很快就撤离。

12. Oh, my boss wanted me to check up on his investment.


13. We leave our money for 10 to 15 years, and when we get it back, we invest in other innovations that focus on change.

译文:我们的投资周期为10到xx年 到了周期我们收回投资时,就会将其投到其他的创新项目里 并且我们关注的都是能够带来变革的项目。

14. And now? My wife handles our investments.

译文:结果现在呢? 我的妻子接管了所有投资项目。

15. And they invested in social programs -- health and education.

译文:他们在社会项目上投资, 健康和教育。

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