摇着用英语怎么说 摇着的英语翻译

摇着用英语怎么说 摇着的英语翻译

摇着的英语可以这样说:  wagged,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到48个与摇着相关的译文和例句。


1.   wagged

摇着翻译为   wagged。

The dog was biting, growling, and wagging its tail.



1. wag its tail( 摇尾巴;摇着尾巴;摇着尾巴向我们目头)

2. totteringly(adv. 蹒跚地, 动摇着)

3. waggered(wagger\nn.\nwag1的变形\nwag1\n[waɡ]\nvt.\n摇摆,摇动:\nThe dog wagged his tail.\n那狗摇摆尾巴。\n(责备时)以手指指(人);点头(召唤某人):\ni didn't wag my finger at him.\n我没有对他摇摆手指。(指没有表示责备或不同意等)\n饶(舌)\nvi.\n摇摆,摇动:\nHe said “NO” with his head wagged.\n他摇着头说“不”。\n饶舌:\ni know that his)

4. waggering(wagger\nn.\nwag1的变形\nwag1\n[waɡ]\nvt.\n摇摆,摇动:\nThe dog wagged his tail.\n那狗摇摆尾巴。\n(责备时)以手指指(人);点头(召唤某人):\ni didn't wag my finger at him.\n我没有对他摇摆手指。(指没有表示责备或不同意等)\n饶(舌)\nvi.\n摇摆,摇动:\nHe said “NO” with his head wagged.\n他摇着头说“不”。\n饶舌:\ni know that his)


totteringly ( 动摇着 )

Rock A Bye Baby ( 摇着宝宝睡觉 )

Rock And Roll ( 摇着滚过去 )

rock the baby ( 摇着婴儿 )

Rocd-a-bye Baby ( 摇着睡小宝宝 )

ROCK A BYE BABY ( 摇着宝宝睡着了 )

He shook the bottle ( 他摇着瓶子 )

shake handa with the future ( 摇着未来邯 )

Rock Around the Clock ( 围着时钟摇摆 )


1. He can't just wave his little wand in the air to make a plausible defense materialize.

译文:但是他也不是魔术师 没办法摇着魔术棒变出抗告素材。

2. - They're all ringing little bells.

译文:- 他们都在摇着小铃铛。

3. Not all of us grew up with nannies and Tiffany rattles.

译文:我们可不是都由保姆看着 蒂凡尼的拨浪鼓摇着长大的。

4. - And he's hopin' that the Johnson Girls- he's goin' to hear them shake their hips a little... and sing Touch me, Kiss me, Be my man.

译文:-他希望强森女郎们.. 他希望能听他们摇着屁股.. 唱 摸我 吻我 作我男人 这首歌。

5. Hey, gravel monkeys, if you need to shake rocks, try jiggling your heads around!

译文:他们又开了那个讨厌的振动筛 and they're running their confounded sieve shakers again. 喂 你们这些石猴子 Hey, gravel monkeys, 想筛石头 直接用自己脑袋摇着筛吧 if you need to shake rocks, try jiggling your heads around。

6. Those with rattles or horns, you shake and blow!

译文:有带摇铃或牛角的 便要摇着和吹着。

7. But on the other side of that predatory gaze is a female husky in a play bow, wagging her tail.

译文:但是就在这种掠食者的眼神旁边, 这是的一个雌性哈士奇,做出了一个玩耍的姿势,摇着它的尾巴。

8. ♪ Wagging his tail happily ♪


9. Sarah, shaking her head "no" and mouthing the word "no, dad."

译文:莎拉,摇着头“不”, 嘴型看起来在说“爸爸”。

10. i tell him about destiny. He's shaking his head.

译文:我说了关于命中注定的事情 他摇着头。

11. He shook his head and said, 'Why's she shorter than last year?


12. So, we're waving around burning lettuce. i don't know.


13. One shivered in his whole body and his head was shaking.

译文:一个全身颤抖 一个头摇着。

14. The waggling of finger is to emphasize his own word


15. - What are you doing home early?

译文:摇着美臀 - 这么早在家干什么。

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