对人生的反思用英语怎么说 对人生的反思英语翻译

对人生的反思用英语怎么说 对人生的反思英语翻译

对人生的反思在英语中的翻译是"slice of life",还经常被译作dilect,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到76个与对人生的反思相关的译文和例句。


1. slice of life

对人生的反思翻译为slice of life。

示例:A slice of life melodrama?


2. dilect

3. yeasayer


示例:From Bon iver playing with some friends in an apartment in Montmartre to Yeasayer having a long night, and many, many, many more unknown or very famous bands.
从跟几个朋友一起在蒙马特公寓的Bon Lver 到漫漫长夜中的Yeasayer 还有很多很多很多 不知名的或者非常知名的乐队。


4. reflective thinking

对人生的反思翻译为reflective thinking。

示例:it must be reflective, i was wrong
应该只是反射吧 我看错了



1. reflective thinking(反思)

2. reflexive project(反思志业;反思方案)

3. yeasayer((对人生或事物)肯定者)

4. slice of life(人生的片断)

5. dilect( 反思)


1. What? it's not meditating.


2. Fear, anger, recriminations from our past.

译文:恐惧 愤怒 对过去的反思。

3. And, in turn, learning about life.

译文:转而 对人生的态度。

4. Yeah, Lifestyles of the Rich and Psychotic.

译文:对 《有钱疯子的人生》。

5. The funny thing about life is that sometimes something you think...

译文:对啊 人生有时很搞笑...。

6. Like Spinoza, he radically rethought it.

译文:与斯宾诺落莎相似, 他对宗教做了彻底的反思。

7. The dream of God, the life of novel of Levi signed by God ".

译文:神对Levi人生的梦想... ... 签名: 上帝。

8. That's the general plan, isn't it?


9. -To take charge of your life, to take control. -Yes. Yes, yes.

译文:主导你的生活 控制你的人生 对 对 对。

10. We have to run this race called life with patience.

译文:对 我们对这场人生的比赛 需要有耐心。

11. i thought to myself in those days, if ever i get into a position of any power in this world,

译文:那些天我对自己反思 如果我有任何一点的权利。

12. Like my mentality, and philosophy towards life.


13. Do we even give it a second thought?


14. When you lose the moral high ground to Dick Cheney, it's time to re-think your entire life.

译文:如果连切尼都开始觉得你有问题的话 你真该好好反思人生了。

15. Prison will put some sense into him.


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