身临用英语怎么说 身临的英语翻译

身临用英语怎么说 身临的英语翻译

身临在英语中的翻译是"living movie",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到20个与身临相关的翻译和例句。


1. living movie

身临翻译为living movie。

I feel like I'm there.



1. living movie(身临其境的电影,活电影)


Immersive be personally on the scene Section Being There ( 身临其境 )

Till It Happens To You ( 直到你身临其境 )

never lose your passion ( 身临深渊 )

He immersive He immersive atmospheres He makes one immersive ( 他让人身临其境 )

The Ultimate reality TV ( 身临其境的电视 )

Fitness Pro ( 健身临 )

Not immersive Not ground Not An immersive ( 不能身临其境 )

Ethnography / Immersive hanging out ( 身临其境的体验 )

immersive atmospheres ( 让人身临其境 )


1. When you stand down there, all you see is a couple of holes dug into the ground, and it doesn't really mean much.

译文:当你身临其境时 只不过看到地面上的一堆洞穴。

2. - Oh, it's like i'm really there.


3. Man. igor into this. This is pretty graphic stuff

译文:我爱上这本书了 读来身临其境。

4. it's a six-day immersive experience for the kids.


5. And i began to think about how i could communicate this in book form.


6. And i may have been living vicariously through you.


7. -Very down to earth, very online.

译文:对 - 更贴近生活,让人身临其境。

8. i spent hours looking through it, pretending that i was actually there.

译文:我能花好几个小时这上面 假装自己身临其境。

9. And the incredibly unexpected thing is that other people seem to see and feel that too.

译文:最难以置信的事情是 其他人似乎也有身临其境之感。

10. it's been explained to me by some of the officials that it's because there is a war going on, but i was there and it appears as if the Japanese haven't started an attack on Henan.

译文:一些官员向我解释 那里正在发生战争 但我身临其境。

11. Once you see it You'll agree


12. You have taken a vow of hospitality to all in need.

译文:你发过誓要对所有 身临患乱的人提供帮助。

13. - Forget watching Stab. You get to live it.

译文:别管《刺杀》了 你已经身临其境。

14. And the incredibly unexpected thing is that other people seem to see and feel that too.

译文:最难以置信的事情是 其他人似乎也有身临其境之感。

15. And i'm a part of it and i don't have a cam!


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