至好用英语怎么说 至好的英语翻译

至好用英语怎么说 至好的英语翻译

至好的英语是"  best friend",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到76个与至好相关的释义和例句。


1.   best friend

至好翻译为   best friend。

It's not even as if (British) beer has a particularly high alcohol content.



1. good even( 甚至好)


moderate to very good quality ( 中至好 )

Friends and family ( 至亲好友 )

even better And even better EBI ( 甚至更好 )

good to very good quality ( 好至很好 )

fair to good ( 大至良好 )

cocco pops ( 香脆好咪至可口 )

Demonstrated so well that Too good to Performance too good ( 表现太好以至于 )

even better clinical ( 甚至更好临床 )


1. London had the Rothermeres; Los Angeles had the Chandlers. The Hollywood studios began as family outfits.


2. Wait a minute. Aren't you even curious?


3. London had the Rothermeres; Los Angeles had the Chandlers. The Hollywood studios began as family outfits.


4. But when he's in the arena, at best he wins, and at worst he loses, but when he fails, when he loses, he does so daring greatly."

译文:但当他站在竞技场内, 至好他能获胜, 至差他会失败。但是当他失败时,当他输掉时, 他失败得如此的无所畏惧。”。

5. it's when your boss yells at you or your professor makes you feel stupid in class, or you have big fight with a friend and you just can't stop replaying the scene in your head for days, sometimes for weeks on end.

译文:比如你的老板冲你发脾气了, 或是教授在课上让你感到愚蠢, 或是你和好朋友吵架了, 然后你不断的在脑海里 回放当时的情况,好几天, 甚至好几个礼拜都不停。

6. Here, this gets right at the distinction between a disease-centered and a patient- or human-centered model of care, and here is where caring becomes a creative, generative, even playful act.

译文:区别就在这儿, 在一个以疾病为核心 和一个以人为核心的医疗模式之间, 在这儿,医疗变成了一种有创意、生产力, 甚至好玩的举动。

7. Now, remarks of this sort on the negative and the positive side are very old.

译文:至今为止这些对于宗教的不好 乃至好的评价都已经是老生常谈了。

8. We could have him in a coma for weeks, maybe months.

译文:可能要麻醉他好几周 甚至好几个月。

9. They may not see each other for days, weeks, months or even years at a time.

译文:他们可能好几天,好几个星期,好几个月 甚至好几年见不到对方。

10. But when he's in the arena, at best, he wins, and at worst, he loses, but when he fails, when he loses, he does so daring greatly."

译文:但当他站在竞技场内, 至好他能获胜, 至差他会失败。但是当他失败时,当他输掉时, 他失败得如此的无所畏惧。”。

11. Wall Street to Tokyo to Hollywood, all your big money is gonna stay and play with me.

译文:从华尔街到东京直至好莱坞 您可以放心将所有投资的钱 押在我的预测注上 没错。

12. Many centuries dead. Kings dead.

译文:甚至好几个世纪 像死去的国王一样。

13. Y'all know Danny was even good enough... to look out for my girl for me while i was gone?


14. You got a few stories written 100 years ago, thousands of years ago by people who are more clueless than we are.

译文:你应该知道些一百年前写的故事, 甚至好几千年以前... ...由一些比我们还无知的人们所写的。

15. There was blood on the painted feet, as though the thing had dripped-blood even on the hand that had not held the knife.


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