劝诫用英语怎么说 劝诫的英语翻译

劝诫用英语怎么说 劝诫的英语翻译

劝诫的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  preach,还经常被译作dissuasion,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到96个与劝诫相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   preach

劝诫翻译为   preach。

Beneath her scrawl, boldfaced words exhorted "Give American Business a Chance!"


2. dissuasion


Exhort her to confess the truth!


3. exhort -

劝诫翻译为 exhort -。

The doctor could smell the drink on me. He said, "It's got to stop."


4. expostulate


示例:i'll not expostulate with her lest her body and beauty unprovide my mind again.
我不想跟她多费口舌... ...生怕她的肉体美又害我手软



1. dehort(劝阻 劝诫)

2. exhortator( 劝诫者)

3. dehorter(劝诫人 劝阻者)

4. preachify(vi. 说教, (喋喋不休的)劝诫)

5. preaching(n. 讲道, 说教, (喋喋不休的)劝诫)


advisory letter ( 劝诫信 )

The Lesson ofa Tree ( 一棵树的劝诫 )

People Always Told Me ( 人们总是劝诫我 )

And Mother Always Told Me ( 妈妈总是劝诫我 )

preach preaching un ( 唠叨地劝诫 )

Persuasion ( 劝诫说服 )


1. But unlike his predecessors, Machiavelli didn’t try to describe an ideal government or exhort his audience to rule justly and virtuously.

译文:但与他的前任不同, 马基雅维利没有试图 描述一个理想的政府 或者劝诫他的听众公正 而有道德地统治。

2. At least in my other interventions i was drunk.

译文:最起码其他的劝诫会上我是醉着的 At least in my other interventions I was drunk.。

3. Now, while the natural parenting instinct is to comfort and protect and reassure kids, in 1930, the psychiatrist Alfred Adler had already cautioned parents that we can love a child as much as we wish, but we must not make that child dependent.

译文:虽然父母的本能就是安慰、保护 和安抚孩子, 但在 1930 年,精神科医师 阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒(Alfred Adler) 就劝诫过父母, 可以尽所能的爱自己的孩子, 但不要让他们过度依赖别人。

4. Your question... the Bible is full of cautionary tales... all of literature, for that matter... telling us to be careful.

译文:你的问题... 圣经里都些劝诫人的故事... 所有的文学作品都是这样,事实上...。

5. Because i've experienced heaven's persuasion.

译文:因为我也曾经历过天堂的劝诫 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Because I've experienced... heaven's persuasion.。

6. They came and said, "Stop that!" and "Do this." and "Stop that."

译文:他们会劝诫我们, 什么该做什么不该做。

7. So i'm gonna heed her word and i'm going to forgive you all.

译文:我准备听从她的劝诫 So I'm gonna heed her word 宽恕你们所有人 And I'm going to forgive you all.。

8. Tidied and reconstituted, prompted in no small measure, i might add, by your very much appreciated exhortation.

译文:清扫且重新整理过 不是小动作,我补充下 感谢您的劝诫。

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