白糖用英语怎么说 白糖的英语翻译

白糖用英语怎么说 白糖的英语翻译

白糖的英语翻译是"  Sugar",还网络中常译为"white sugar",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到47个与白糖相关的释义和例句。


1.   Sugar

白糖翻译为   Sugar。

Cookies are spread with white sugar pebbling the surface.


2. white sugar

白糖翻译为white sugar。

Fifty years ago, twenty cents were an excessive price for a pound of sugar.


3.   refined sugar

白糖翻译为   refined sugar。

What's the price for 1000 kilos of white sugar?


4.   [食品] white sugar

白糖翻译为   [食品] white sugar。

示例:First, it was butter. Then sugar and white flour.
你先是不准我们吃牛油 然后禁白糖和白面粉



1. plantation white sugar([医]白糖,耕地白糖)

2. white sugar([化] 白糖\n[经] 白糖)

3. white molasses(白糖蜜)

4. meringue(蛋白糖霜 )

5. leucrose([机] 麦白糖)


White sugar sponge cake Sweet Jelly ( 白糖糕 )

castor sugar castor r sugar granulated sugar ( 细砂白糖 )

Egg White and Sugar Soluble Proteoglycans ( 蛋白糖 )

Frosted Sugar ( 贡白糖 )

Royal Icing Roying Icing ( 蛋白糖霜 )

BWSS soft sugar soft white sugar ( 绵白糖 )

castor sugar beet sugar ( 细白糖 )

96 HSP gp ( 热休克蛋白糖蛋白)

quick-dissolving sugar ( 速溶白糖 )


1. We'll buy anything your heart desires.


2. Brown sugar instead of white, fresh-cut lemon, a China cup.


3. Load up sugar, western medicine and our special local herbs and is so easily ship away

译文:放上白糖、洋药再把咱的特产山药搬上车 就可轻松载走。

4. Over angry Cuban protest, the United States retaliates by cutting off its imports of Cuban sugar.

译文:怒火冲天的古巴人举行示威 抗议美国为了报复而停止进口古巴白糖。

5. The apparent sugar tested 60% arsenic.


6. All you want is that meringue recipe, and it'll never happen.

译文:你只不过想要我的蛋白糖配方 但我绝不会给你的。

7. Why don't they complain of other kids?

译文:还有,你干嘛要吃橡皮泥? 我是蘸着白糖吃的。

8. You were ten years old when this shitbag let you take his punishment, when his genius sugar-for-coke scam went tits up.

译文:当这个垃圾用白糖冒充毒品的把戏败露 要你代他受过时 , 你还只有xx岁。

9. Your western candy cakes are really delicious.

译文:你们的西洋白糖糕真好吃 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Your western candy cakes are really delicious. 是吗。

10. Tell that guy i'll sell soy milk as well tomorrow

译文:七十二堂? 什么七十二堂? 白糖、红糖、芝麻糖。

11. Kale, would you grab the sugar, please?


12. Yeah, and i can feel my blood sugar dipping right now.

译文:是啊,我能感觉到我的血液 白糖浸渍现在。

13. it's the envelope containing the sugar.


14. Take 10 parts powdered sugar, extra fine, saltpeter from any chemistry set.

译文:里面要有10%的绵白糖,要超纯那种 - 每个罐子里肯定少不了黑硝石。

15. Alrighty! i'll get the sugar and the eggs.


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