伪程序用英语怎么说 伪程序的英语翻译

伪程序用英语怎么说 伪程序的英语翻译

伪程序用英语说"  pseudo-programme",其次还可以说成"pseudo-program",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到12个与伪程序相关的释义和例句。


1.   pseudo-programme

伪程序翻译为   pseudo-programme。

The pseudo-code for this program almost identically matches its Scheme implementation.


2. pseudo-program


The current channel is set by the calling program or transaction by issuing a LINK, XCTL, START and pseudo-conversational RETURN with the channel parameter.


3.   [计] pseudo-program

伪程序翻译为   [计] pseudo-program。

示例:清单3 . sum_list程序的伪代码。
Listing 3. Pseudo-code for the sum_list program.



1. dummy main program([计] 伪主程序)

2. dummy print routine([计] 伪印刷程序)

3. pseudo compiler(伪编译程序)

4. pseudo program(n. 伪程序)

5. pseudoblock(un. 伪分程序)


dummy print routine ( 伪印刷程序 计 )

pseudo-device driver ( 伪设备驱动程序 )

assembler pseudo-operation ( 汇编程序伪操作 计 )

pseudo-application program ( 伪应用程序 计 )

pseudo-block ( 伪分程序 计 )

assembler pseudo operation ( 组合程序伪操作 )

dummy print routine ( 伪打印程序 )


1. it is unlikely that he will come willingly.

译文:螘委谓伪喂 伪蟺委胃伪谓慰 谓伪 蟺伪蚁伪未慰胃蔚委.。

2. And you also insulted their customers.


3. i'm gonna take a blood sample.

译文:螛伪 蟺维蚁蝇 未蔚委纬渭伪 伪委渭伪蟿慰蟼.。

4. There is no record of you being assigned to the Enterprise.

译文:螖蔚谓 苇蠂蝇 伪蚁蠂蔚委伪 魏伪蟿维蟿伪尉萎蟼 蟽伪蟼.。

5. Per Admiral Marcus, it is essential that our presence go undetected.

译文:螚 蟺伪蚁慰?蟽委伪 渭伪蟼 蔚魏蔚委, 蟺蚁苇蟺蔚喂 谓伪 蔚委谓伪喂 伪蠈蚁伪蟿畏.。

6. Commander, he's not going to make it.

译文:螖蔚谓 蟺蚁蠈魏蔚喂蟿伪喂 谓伪 蟿伪 魏伪蟿伪蚃苇蚁蔚喂.。

7. That cryo tube is ancient.

译文:螘委谓伪喂 伪蚁蠂伪委伪.。

8. And this, this is what you would have done.

译文:螝伪喂 伪?蟿蠈... ...伪?蟿蠈 胃伪 苇魏伪谓蔚蟼 魏喂 蔚蟽蠉.。

9. Yeah, and that's gonna render him inert!

译文:螝伪喂 胃伪 伪未蚁伪谓慰蟺慰喂畏胃蔚委 魏喂 伪?蟿蠈蟼 渭伪味委。

10. i can only assume the Admiral is your father.

译文:螁蚁伪 慰 螡伪蠉伪蚁蠂慰蟼 蔚委谓伪喂 蟺伪蟿苇蚁伪蟼 蟽伪蟼.。

11. The rule cannot be broken...

译文:螣 魏伪谓蠈谓伪蟼 未蔚谓 蟺蚁苇蟺蔚喂 谓伪 蟺伪蚁伪尾喂伪蟽蟿蔚委...。

12. Captain, i wish i had better news.

译文:螠伪魏维蚁喂 谓伪 蔚委蠂伪 魏伪位蠉蟿蔚蚁伪 谓苇伪.。

13. i incorrectly assumed that you would be truthful in your captain's log.

译文:违蟺苇胃蔚蟽伪 位伪谓胃伪蟽渭苇谓伪 蠈蟿喂 胃伪 萎蟽慰?谓 伪魏蚁喂尾萎蟼 蟽蟿畏谓 魏伪蟿伪纬蚁伪蚃萎.。

14. Khan's cells regenerate like nothing i've ever seen, and i want to know why.

译文:螖蔚谓 苇蠂蝇 尉伪谓伪未蔚委 魏蠉蟿蟿伪蚁伪 谓伪 伪谓伪蟺伪蚁维纬慰谓蟿伪喂 蟿蠈蟽慰 纬蚁萎纬慰蚁伪.。

15. This is exactly what i was hoping to spare you from.

译文:螇胃蔚位伪 谓伪 蟽蔚 伪蟺伪位位维尉蝇 伪蟺蠈 伪?蟿蠈.。

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