她刻苦训练用英语怎么说 她刻苦训练英语翻译

她刻苦训练用英语怎么说 她刻苦训练英语翻译

她刻苦训练的英语为"lucubrate",还网络中常译为"grind for",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到32个与她刻苦训练相关的译文和例句。


1. lucubrate


示例:Together we lucubrate not afraid of difficulties, with parents expect water seriously set back top.


2. grind for

她刻苦训练翻译为grind for。

示例:# Their task is not a grind


3. elucubrate

4. elucubration


1. grind for(刻苦于)

2. elucubrate(刻苦钻研 )

3. elucubration(刻苦钻研 )

4. lucubrate(刻苦钻研 )

5. lucubration(刻苦钻研 )


1. But if you train hard and listen to me, you'll be a great miler.

译文:但是,如果你刻苦训练 而听, 你会成为一个伟大的选手。

2. Trained hard. Two thousand rounds a week.

译文:刻苦训练 一周2000次。

3. i see you're working very hard.


4. So, we got six weeks to train hard.

译文:所以,我们得到了6周 刻苦训练。

5. She lives very much in the now.

译文:她现在很刻苦 She lives very much in the now.。

6. i like to think of it as good training, sir.

译文:我认为这是刻苦训练的结果 先生。

7. Yeah. it's called grooming. She's grooming me.

译文:对 那叫训练 她总是训练我。

8. intensive study, physical exercise, and, of course, discipline.

译文:努力的学习 刻苦的训练 当然还有严明的纪律。

9. i'm small, but i try hard to be good.


10. it doesn't matter how hard i train, i'm never actually going to get there.

译文:即便我再刻苦训练, 也永远达不到光速。

11. He's hard working, he's unselfish.

译文:他刻苦努力 又不贪功。

12. Work! Rupert Murdoch said to me, "it's all hard work.

译文:刻苦!Rupert Murdoch 曾经告诉过我 “都是刻苦“ 为努力”。

13. and {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} i grafted every hour of every day.


14. You practiced every day, i suppose.


15. i'm in the gym, working hard, just to make sure i secure what a win could look like for me.

译文:我在拳击馆里刻苦训练 就是为了能保证赢一场属于我的比赛。

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