文宗学府用英语怎么说 文宗学府英语翻译

文宗学府用英语怎么说 文宗学府英语翻译

文宗学府用英语说"seat of learning",其次还可以说成"thinh",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到86个与文宗学府相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. seat of learning

文宗学府翻译为seat of learning。

示例:This is a student residence. A seat of learning.
这里是学生公寓 学习的地方


2. thinh

3. schooldaze

4. thinhs


1. thinh( 郑文宗)

2. schooldaze( 黑色学府)

3. seat of learning(学术中心,学府)

4. thinhs( 郑文宗\n(thinh 的复数))

5. educational establishment( 教育机构;婚姻状况;学府)


1. But i send my kids here because, the fact is, you go to one of the best schools in the country:

译文:但我把孩子送到这里 因为事实上 这里是国 内最优秀的学府之一。

2. i'm on my way to the Berkeley school of music.

译文:卡森纳, 我准备去伯克利音乐学院 (注: 美国艺术最高学府)。

3. See, there's a central conservatory in Moscow.

译文:我不是指那个 莫斯科音乐学院是最高音乐学府。

4. Lutherans and Calvinists realised they had to come together to fight for the future of Protestantism.

译文:路德宗和加尔文宗意识到,他们必须 为了新教的未来而并肩战斗。

5. if Eunchae goes on this date then i'll immediately go into Seoul University.

译文:我马上会考取首尔第一学府 需要帮忙吗。

6. if you went to a top university -- let's say you went to Harvard or Oxford or Cambridge -- and you said, "i've come here because i'm in search of morality, guidance and consolation; i want to know how to live," they would show you the way to the insane asylum.

译文:如果你去顶尖学府 像是哈佛 牛津 或者剑桥 然后你对他们说 "我想找到指引 慰藉 和道德" "我还想知道怎么好好生活" 那些大学会让你去神经病医院。

7. Congress grants President Johnson complete authority over the war in Vietnam while she studies painting at Cooper Union and he completes dubbing on his first major film.

译文:议会决议通过,同意将越南战争的最高指挥权 授予总统约翰逊 她开始在库珀联盟学习绘画 [库珀联盟是美国建筑系的顶尖学府之一]。

8. i'm just not up to the standards of this fine institution.


9. You, a pupil at a reputable institution of higher learning. i didn't think about that.


10. Some of the greatest spies in the world have graduated from this institution.


11. And one of the reasons why is that the equipment is so complex and so expensive that it's really only done at major universities and large institutions.

译文:其中一个原因就是 相应的设备太复杂又太昂贵, 这些研究只有在高等学府 和大型研究机构才能进行。

12. Simply put, when the impulse is to change the world, the academy is more likely to engender a learned helplessness than to create a sense of empowerment.

译文:简单的说 要是我们呼吁改变世界 那么学府里更多的是会产生出一种 知识分子的无助感 而不是体验到一种承担。

13. The Protestants invited a neighbouring Calvinist ruler, the Elector Palatine Friedrich, to become their new king.

译文:新教徒邀请邻国属于加尔文宗的统治者、 选帝侯兼帕拉廷国王弗里 德里希作他们的新国王。

14. it's from a highly respected East Coast college.


15. A student at a reputable institution of higher learning... should not have a pad but rather a proper room, with proper, well intentioned people.

译文:我甚至想说它是不道德的地方 一个来自高级学府的中学生 不应当合租 而应当找个整齐的房间住。

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