具有强腐蚀性用英语怎么说 具有强腐蚀性英语翻译

具有强腐蚀性用英语怎么说 具有强腐蚀性英语翻译

具有强腐蚀性的英语为"strongly corrosion liquid",在日常中也可以翻译为"caustic",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到13个与具有强腐蚀性相关的短语释义和例句。


1. strongly corrosion liquid

具有强腐蚀性翻译为strongly corrosion liquid。

Features: the overall stability and flexibility of the product is good, good corrosion resistance, strong anti erosion ability, with water permeability, low cost of construction and so on.


2. caustic


One of the most specified materials for corrosion resistance to sea and salt water, Monel is also very resistant to strong caustic solutions.


3. erosion resistance

具有强腐蚀性翻译为erosion resistance。

That's because the vast amounts of seawater that crashed ashore on the eastern edge of the island of Honshu are highly corrosive.


4. corrosivity


1. strongly corrosion liquid([化] 强腐蚀性液体)

2. causticity(腐蚀性 )

3. corrosivity(腐蚀性 )

4. caustic(腐蚀性的)

5. erosion resistance(抗腐蚀性)


Has a very strong corrosive ( 具有非常强的腐蚀性 )


1. The bombardier beetle is no exception: the toads that swallow them can tolerate the caustic spray that Darwin found so distasteful.

译文:放屁虫也不例外: 吞食掉它们的蟾蜍 能够忍受令达尔文反感的腐蚀性液体。

2. it's an extraordinarily close correlation.


3. The place we're standing is the spot where the acids were thrown.

译文:我现在身处这一个位置 就是腐蚀性物体掉下来的位置了。

4. The atmosphere above the impact site is far more corrosive than it should be, and it's getting worse.

译文:撞击点上方的大气层 腐蚀性高得不正常。

5. The ethna bromide induces asphyxia, but in order to delay the erodent action of the exnide,

译文:溴化砷能造成窒息 但是为了降低砷化物的腐蚀性。

6. it's destructive and it's contagious.

译文:它具有毁灭性 也有传染性。

7. The juices in his stomach ... are more corrosive than battery acid.

译文:它胃里的消化液 腐蚀性比电池酸液还强。

8. Watch out. He's got some kind of corrosive shit on his hands.

译文:小心,他手上的东西 腐蚀性很强。

9. He was killed and then soaked in corrosive tire cleaner.

译文:他被杀之后 被泡在了 腐蚀性的轮胎清洁剂里。

10. it's got universal applicability.


11. individually, these chemicals are harmless, but mixed together form a compound which is caustic and can eat through metal.

译文:虽然这些化学物个别来说无害,但一旦混和后 就会形成腐蚀性物质 并且融化金属,这是相当危险的。

12. it's completely corroded. At least you're wearing gloves.

译文:具有强烈的腐蚀性 至少你得戴着手套。

13. it has a universality, but no objectivity.

译文:它只具有某种普适性, 但是不具有客观性。

14. Well, this acid is very corrosive.

译文:那么,这种酸是非常 腐蚀性。

15. in my view, not only is science corrosive to religion; religion is corrosive to science.

译文:在我看来,不仅是科学对宗教有腐蚀性, 宗教对科学也有腐蚀性。

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