新发展用英语怎么说 新发展的英语翻译

新发展用英语怎么说 新发展的英语翻译

新发展用英语翻译为"  new development",在日常中也可以翻译为"new development -",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到81个与新发展相关的译文和例句。


1.   new development

新发展翻译为   new development。

There have been further developments subsequent to our meeting.


2. new development -

新发展翻译为 new development -。

He's well up in all the latest developments.


3. new development

新发展翻译为new development。

Ministers should also look at creating greater certainty in the rental environment, which would have a significant impact on the ability of registered providers to fund new developments from revenues.


4. recent advance

新发展翻译为recent advance。

示例:The usual deal, half in advance.
half in advance.



1. recent advance(新发展)

2. redevelop(重新发展 )

3. redevelopment(重新发展 )

4. latest development(最新发展)

5. new development plan(新发展计划)


innovative development creative development innovative development to develop through innovation In( 创新发展 )

be innovative in development approaches to formulate new thinking on development ( 创新发展理念 )

Adopting a new vision for development new concept for development ( 坚持新发展理念 )

development of the Internet economy and encourage innovation promote the development of the Interne( 网络经济创新发展 )

the new vision on development ( 新发展理念 )

economic reform and growth ( 经济创新发展 )

new blueprint for China’s development ( 中国新发展蓝图 )

International Forum for Innovative Development ( 国际创新发展论坛 )

innovation and development of our military strategy ( 军事战略创新发展 )


1. - Can we look forward to some exciting new developments?

译文:楚门恢复了常态 节目会不会有新发展。

2. These developments i trust are for the best?

译文:一些新发展... 我相言肯定是,向好的方向发展。

3. Europe had to be dragged into economic development.


4. Professor Canutti, are there any major new developments... that have taken place recently, Professor?

译文:坎纳蒂教授 最近有没有主要的新发展呢。

5. And the innovation is moving very rapidly.


6. And the innovation is moving very rapidly.


7. Listen up, there's a new link on Lung's.


8. i was hoping that agent you were scoping out would have some tech we could use.

译文:我还以为你们新发展的特工 能弄点技术设备来用用。

9. Ooh. That's a new twist. Never heard that before.


10. i have a major announcement to make. Allow me to introduce Guilabo's new research director...

译文:请允许我介绍是 我们的新发展总监。

11. Plans have already been announced for a lot of those garden apartments above the mall to be redeveloped.

译文:关于重新发展在商场上面的 那些大量花园式公寓 的计划已经公布了.。

12. We got a development. You'd better come to the office.

译文:事情有新发展 你最好到办公室一趟。

13. Plans have already been announced for a lot of those garden apartments above the mall to be redeveloped.

译文:关于重新发展在商场上面的 那些大量花园式公寓 的计划已经公布了.。

14. And i would be sad if our new love Was in vain

译文:而如果我们新发展的爱 只是镜花水月的话,我会很难过。

15. i've gone wherever i've had to go to get ahead.


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