在他的寒假用英语怎么说 在他的寒假英语翻译

在他的寒假用英语怎么说 在他的寒假英语翻译

在他的寒假的英语可以这样说:on his back,其次还可以说成"winter break",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到26个与在他的寒假相关的翻译和例句。


1. on his back

在他的寒假翻译为on his back。

示例:Factory accident, broke his back...
broke his back...


2. winter break

在他的寒假翻译为winter break。

示例:Winter break is coming up.


3. winter vacation

在他的寒假翻译为winter vacation。

示例:Vacation, all i ever wanted


4. winterholiday


1. winter vacation(寒假)

2. winterholiday(寒假)

3. saberman( 寒假)

4. winter break( 寒假;冬假;放寒假)

5. on his back(在他的后背)


1. - Yeah. But about ten years ago. Winter break.

译文:可这是xx年前了 寒假那会。

2. Right on his face. Right there on his big, red face.


3. i worked part-time during my winter break as well...


4. That was an entire winter of my life.

译文:失败的友谊: 第149 -159天 这就是我的整个寒假 That was an entire winter of my life.。

5. During winter break, Osawa's mother started working at Atsuko's.

译文:刚放寒假不久 大泽的母亲 就到笃子家的理发店去工作了。

6. Winter break is coming up.


7. His collateral is in his hands, in his heart, in his guts. -in his right as a citizen. -Nobody's denying him his rights.

译文:他的"抵押"就在他手里,在他心里, 在他胆量里,在他作为一个公民的权利里。

8. He organized your Lieutenant's "winter holiday. "

译文:他组织了你们中尉的 "寒假."。

9. Moreover, i secretly carried out the work during the dry season in winter vacation

译文:再利用每年寒假的干水期 偷偷施工。

10. i remember once i had some caligraphy homework.

译文:小学的时候 寒假作业是过年的时候写篇文章。

11. When he's scared, Jeremy. When he's scared.

译文:在他害怕的时候 Jeremy 在他害怕的时候。

12. Well, that sounds like a fun winter break.


13. Borrowed it before the break.


14. it's true winter vacation is an event worth waiting for.


15. it was winter break, freshman year of college...

译文:那是一个寒假 我刚进大学...。

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