着床用英语怎么说 着床的英语翻译

着床用英语怎么说 着床的英语翻译

着床用英语说"  Implantation",还网络中常译为"implantation -",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到66个与着床相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Implantation

着床翻译为   Implantation。

Her back rested against the headboard.


2. implantation -

着床翻译为 implantation -。

Non-identical twins are the result of two fertilized eggs implanting in the uterus at the same time.


3.   embryo implantation

着床翻译为   embryo implantation。

I gripped the edge of the mattress, keeping Hattie stuck fast to the bed.


4. implantation


示例:Here are the implantation sites.



1. nidaton(着床)

2. prenidatory([医] 着床前的)

3. nidatory(营巢的,着床的)

4. preimplantation diagnosis(着床前诊断法)

5. hypernidation([医] 着床过度(月经蜕膜增生过度))


Implantation period ( 着床期 )

Mucins in Embryo Implantation ( 胚胎着床中的黏蛋白 )

embryo implantation embryo embryonic implantation ( 胚胎着床 )

blastocyst implantation ( 孕卵着床 )

preimplantation genetic diagnosis PGD ( 着床前基因诊断 )

embryo implantation dysfunction ( 胚胎着床障碍 )

natural embryo implantation natuerliches einnisten des eis ( 自然着床 )


1. There, it requires another three or so days to implant firmly into the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus.

译文:在这里,它还需要大约三天时间 才能牢固的在宫内膜 即子宫内膜上着床。

2. Worn out by my parents and abused by us, my hand scratches wads of gum underthe mattress, from the time when my father was afraid to wake my mother with his boozy, beery breath.

译文:被我父母用旧后又被我们虐待 我抓着床垫下的橡树板 从我爸爸害怕他的 带酒气的呼吸吵醒妈妈。

3. The endometrium evolved to make implantation difficult so that only the healthy embryos could survive.

译文:子宫内膜不断演化 使得着床变得困难。这样只有健康的胚胎能够存活。

4. Grown men horsing around in sheets.


5. - in designer sheets, no less.


6. When i was a little boy, at night thought i think it was a baker in my bed.


7. Once implanted, the cells that are to become the placenta secrete a hormone that signals to the ovulated follicle that there is a pregnancy in the uterus.

译文:一旦着床 未来变成胎盘的细胞 会释放激素来通知卵泡 子宫内已经有了受精卵。

8. What happens when an embryo fails the test?


9. You'd rather sleep there then the bed

译文:你放着床不睡, 你睡那儿呢。

10. Nej, not till morning, in my bed-gown.

译文:没有[瑞典语] 直到天亮 穿着床袍。

11. But they're all found in the small intestine.

译文:着床位置却基本都一致 都集中在小肠部位。

12. Why don't we put this next to the bed?


13. i've other men outside in the courtyard waitin' for beds, so any kind word will be a blessin'.

译文:外面院子里还有其他人等着床位 所以任何善意的话语都是祝福。

14. You don't need beds. You're gonna die tomorrow.


15. Pregnancy starts with a process called implantation, where the embryo embeds itself in the endometrium that lines the uterus.

译文:怀孕始于“着床”这一过程, 胚胎把自己嵌入到子宫内膜上。

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