维酶素用英语怎么说 维酶素的英语翻译

维酶素用英语怎么说 维酶素的英语翻译

维酶素的英语是"  Vatacoenayme",还网络中常译为"vitacoenzyme -",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到85个与维酶素相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Vatacoenayme

维酶素翻译为   Vatacoenayme。

Conclusion:The effect of Weiyankang plus gastrone on precancerosis of gastric cancer may due to repress the abnormal expression of oncogene proteins in gastric mucosa.


2. vitacoenzyme -

维酶素翻译为 vitacoenzyme -。

Sink decided to investigate the effect of centrally acting ACE inhibitors on dementia risk after her Wake Forest colleagues found the drugs protected rats from brain injury due to radiation.


3. vitacoenzyme

4.   Vitacoenzyme


1. VitacoenzymeCapsules(维酶素胶囊)

2. gynase(雌素酶)

3. vilangin(维兰素)

4. elastatin(弹性酶抑制素)

5. esterastin(抑酯酶素)


Vitacoenzyme Tablets ( 维酶素片 )

Vitacoenzyme Capsules ( 维酶素胶囊 )

cellulase CMCase Cellulose enzyme ( 纤维素酶 生化 )

Hemicellulase HCase ( 半纤维素酶 )

Alkaline cellulase alkaline glucanase ( 碱性纤维素酶 )

R Cellulase ( 纤维素酶)

cellulase system ( 纤维素酶系 )

Acid cellulase ( 酸性纤维素酶 )


1. The vitamin A that we ingest is converted by a family of enzymes to something called retinoic acid.

译文:我们摄入的维生素A 会被一个类别的酶转化成视黄酸。

2. Susu? Susu? What's the matter?


3. Susu, thank you for working so hard


4. But to me, what's shocking is not just the amount of light, but the fact that it's not just luciferin and luciferase.

译文:对我来说,让我惊讶的 不只是有大量的光喷出, 而是,这些光不仅仅是由荧光素和荧光素酶组成。

5. He ground it up and he managed to get out a couple of chemicals; one, the enzyme, he called luciferase; the substrate, he called luciferin after Lucifer the Lightbearer.

译文:他将这些蛤碾碎,并成功的从中提取出几种化学物质。其中之一是一种酶,Dubois命名为荧光素酶, 依据素有“明亮之星”之称的金星, 他将这种发现的酶作用物称之为“荧光素”。

6. Mr. Belvedere, the EKG is okay, cardiac enzymes are normal, your heart works.

译文:贝维德雷先生,心电图显示正常 心肌酶水平正常 你的心脏正常工作。

7. The nurse who's looking after Fukie.


8. Fukie collapsed in school today.


9. A lot of them can release their luciferin or luferase in the water just the way a squid or an octopus will release an ink cloud.

译文:许多生物都能释放他们的荧光素,或者荧光酶 就好像乌贼或章鱼释放的墨团。

10. i see the polymerase and the enzymes and so forth.


11. Have you already eaten, Fukie?

译文:筁盾, ﹗酶。

12. There are enzymes called restriction enzymes that actually digest DNA.

译文:有一种酶叫做限制酶 是能够消化DNA的。

13. OK. Adrenalin. Adrenalin, please.

译文:肾上腺素 肾上腺素。

14. Enzymes are breaking forth sugars.


15. Please? Will you just picture your life for me?

译文:盾 и磞酶ゼㄓ盾。

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