四处寻找某人用英语怎么说 四处寻找某人英语翻译

四处寻找某人用英语怎么说 四处寻找某人英语翻译

四处寻找某人的英语可以这样说:take around,其次还可以说成"ferret about",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到16个与四处寻找某人相关的译文和例句。


1. take around

四处寻找某人翻译为take around。

示例:Silly, i'll take you around.
傻瓜,放假我会带你到处去逛 Silly, I'll take you around,


2. ferret about

四处寻找某人翻译为ferret about。

示例:- i'm so glad that you're concerned about the ferret.
很开心你关心这个雪貂 I'm so glad that you're concerned about the ferret.


3. scratch for

四处寻找某人翻译为scratch for。

示例:Anybody gets through, you scratch their eyes out.
you scratch their eyes out.


4. look about

四处寻找某人翻译为look about。

示例:Look, forget about Amy, forget about Dan.
别想Amy和Dan了 Look, forget about Amy, forget about Dan.



1. scratch for(四处寻找)

2. ferret about(到处搜索,四处寻找)

3. look about(四处寻找, 考虑, 察看)

4. take around(带某人四处参观)

5. taken around(带某人四处参观)


1. You've just got to go around the block to see it as an epiphany.

译文:你需要四处的碰壁 去寻找顿悟。

2. We forage. We scrounge a lot.

译文:我们搜寻 我们四处寻找。

3. i'll search high and low for him.


4. i couldn't find her at the airport.

译文:我四处寻找 我在飞机场找不到她。

5. ♪ Looking out for a place to go ♪


6. Some people believe the ghosts of the kids are still around looking for revenge.

译文:有些人认为 孩子们的幽灵仍在 四处寻找复仇。

7. They sniff around looking for shit.


8. Go around, man. Go around.

译文:四处探探 老兄 四处探探查查。

9. He hath lost his fellows, And strays about to find 'em.

译文:他已经失去伙伴 正四处寻找他们呢。

10. Folks looked high and low, but it was nowhere to be found.

译文:人们四处寻找 却都无法找到。

11. i'd fall over a lot and i'd hear water and i'd start digging around searching for it.


12. - So i look within - So i look within


13. She probably searched high and low for her brother and has finally given up,


14. But, your men are out searching for her, why is that?

译文:那么 你手下的人四处寻找应该待在寺庙的女子 又是为何缘故呢。

15. "i tramped the Earth with hopeless feet, "searching in vain for a glimpse of you.

译文:我无助的四处寻找 想要寻得你的生命。

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