孝心用英语怎么说 孝心的英语翻译

孝心用英语怎么说 孝心的英语翻译

孝心的英语为"  Piedad filial",还可以翻译为filial piety,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到56个与孝心相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Piedad filial

孝心翻译为   Piedad filial。

We'll respect Catherine's filial scruples.


2. filial piety

孝心翻译为filial piety。

He spent the whole evening assuring his mother of his love and devotion.


3. love toward parents

孝心翻译为love toward parents。

Now, how can you turn them into father-honoring actions?


4. love and devotion to one's parents

孝心翻译为love and devotion to one's parents。

示例:And the one you love in sight
# And the one you love in sight #



1. filial piety(n. 孝顺,孝心; 跪乳之恩; 乌鸟私情)


most sincere fidelity ( 至诚孝心 )

filial piety ( 孝顺孝心 )

Filial piety to the parents Filial offering to parents ( 孝心献给父母 )

filial piety presents ( 孝心礼品 )

Xiaogan Central Hospital Xiaogan city hospital ( 孝感市中心医院 )


1. We'll respect Catherine's filial scruples.


2. She nursed me. So this is my gesture of respect.


3. Since you are so kind-hearted, i am now buying you to be workman.

译文:念在你一片孝心 就买你到华府当下人。

4. A son's love that intense is incredible!


5. Most parents would be grateful if their children did this!

译文:对大部分的父母而言 他们的子女如果有我这份孝心 他们都会心存感激。

6. i accept this token of your submission.


7. With her sins absolved by the tribute of a god, and a blossom on the iron tree, Shi Lin had freed his mother, and reunited his family– both mortal and divine.

译文:文曲星的孝心感动了上天, 加上铁树上也实实在在开了花, 仕林得以救出他的母亲。一家人于是终能团聚, 功德圆满,重列仙班。

8. This in obedience hath my daughter shown me, and more above, hath his solicitings, as they fell out by... time, by means and place, all given to mine ear.

译文:这是我女儿出于孝心拿来给我看的 此外 她又把他求爱的情形。

9. And i even began to feel that this book may be perceived by my father as an act of filial devotion.

译文:我甚至开始觉得我父亲 会将这本书理解为 是一种孝心的展现。

10. My mom got very sick, so i came back to spend time with her and see that through.


11. Out of loyalty, Ju Dou and Tianqing will block the coffin's path.


12. A man should be responsible and filial

译文:我觉得做为一个男人 要有责任心,要有孝心。

13. i have a daughter, have while she is mine, who in her duty and obedience, mark, hath given me this.

译文:当她还仅仅是我女儿的时候 难得她一片孝心 把这封信给了我。

14. Chu is so good to her late father


15. And bless his heart, he even named it after me.

译文:却开了一家夫妻小店 他还挺有孝心,用我的名字给小店命名。

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