严重影响环境用英语怎么说 严重影响环境英语翻译

严重影响环境用英语怎么说 严重影响环境英语翻译

严重影响环境在英语中的翻译是"environmental influence",还经常被译作environment effect,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到82个与严重影响环境相关的释义和例句。


1. environmental influence

严重影响环境翻译为environmental influence。

示例:if they can silence the government, can they influence environmental groups as well?
如果他们能保持沉默 政府,才能 环境影响 群体呢?


2. environment effect

严重影响环境翻译为environment effect。

示例:The effect on the marine environment is the same.


3. image doubling

严重影响环境翻译为image doubling。

示例:i just wanted to get past this old schoolmarm image.
That wasn't an image.


4. environmental influences

严重影响环境翻译为environmental influences。

示例:a landscape that profoundly influences life



1. environment effect(环境影响)

2. environmental influence(环境影响)

3. environmental influences(环境影响)

4. environmetal impact(环境影响)

5. image doubling(重影)


1. One of the greatest concerns about what will happen if the planet continues to get warmer is the stability of the ice sheets.

译文:地球持续变暖可能造成的 最严重影响之一 就是冰层的稳定性。

2. thisisthered forest, an area that was horribly impacted by radioactivity due to the chernobyl explosion.


3. But these profiles can come to impact our rights in significant ways.

译文:但这些信息会 严重影响我们的权益。

4. Being lonely can have a significant impact on your own well-being.


5. ...Pressure blinding the shafts. ...No, i don't think that's it.

译文:压力严重影响船轴 不,我觉得不是这么一回事。

6. Are you gonna waterboard me? Because that would seriously affect our relationship.

译文:你要给我用水刑吗 因为那会严重影响我们的感情的。

7. Dr. Pratt, isn't it true that psychiatric medications greatly impair

译文:Pratt博士 精神病治疗药物 ﹣是否真的会严重影响人的驾车技能。

8. i'm worried about how these superstitions might be affecting Kylie's...


9. And increasing intensity of droughts and floods will severely impact breadbaskets of the world, causing massive famines and economic decline.

译文:加剧的旱灾和洪涝 将严重影响世界的食物产量, 带来严重的饥荒 和经济衰退。

10. You're putting one serious dent in my beauty sleep.


11. "posed imminent threat to road safety, so i had to pursue it."

译文:严重影响道路安全 我必需要栏截他嘛。

12. Your actions have damaged society's trust in our hospitals.


13. i guess relationships don't fit my lifestyle.

译文:我的工作严重影响了我们 两人的关系。

14. Where does the next super-storm hit, the next scorching heat wave,

译文:每上升一度都有严重影响 只有一度左右... -气温上升一度..。

15. And increasing intensity of droughts and floods will severely impact breadbaskets of the world, causing massive famines and economic decline.

译文:加剧的旱灾和洪涝 将严重影响世界的食物产量, 带来严重的饥荒 和经济衰退。

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