摆成用英语怎么说 摆成的英语翻译

摆成用英语怎么说 摆成的英语翻译

摆成的英语翻译是"  Conpose",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到47个与摆成相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Conpose

摆成翻译为   Conpose。

Please put the desks in four rows.



1. paired off(na. 使分成[摆成]一对一对;成对而去)

2. pairing off(na. 使分成[摆成]一对一对;两个成一组)

3. pairs off(na. 使分成[摆成]一对一对;两个成一组)

4. Pairoff(na. 使分成[摆成]一对一对;成对而去\n 分成一对一对;成双配对;结成对子)

5. pair ... off(na. 使分成[摆成]一对一对;两个成一组\n 成对而去;分成一对一对;成双配对)


Into this can do Can you put into this ( 摆成这样可以吗 )


KLINGER OSCILLATOR Klinger Volume Oscillator ( 克林格成交量摆动指标 )

mount to squat stand ( 支撑后摆成蹲撑 )

front axle radius beam assembly ( 前桥摇摆梁总成 )


pendulum assembly mount ( 摆锤总成座 )


1. Personally, i think only someone high as a kite would kill his wife and then pose her as a mannequin.

译文:我觉得只有吸过头的人才会杀死自己的妻子 而且还把她摆成个人体模特儿。

2. i believe her arms were crossed after she was killed.

译文:因为你自己落在教室里了 博士 我认为她的手臂是在死后被摆成交叉状的。

3. And what about the washing and the posing?

译文:那清洗和摆成特定姿势怎么办 And what about the washing and the posing。

4. i then went on wondering whether i could actually replace her image, so i got a look-alike of Diana and posed her in the right positions and angles and created something that was in, or existed in, the public imagination.

译文:我接着考虑我能不能真正地代替她的形象。所以我找了一个和戴安娜长得很像的人, 让她摆成正确的位置和姿势, 根据公众的想象创造了一些图片。

5. Her arms... they were placed like that before the murder.

译文:她的手臂... 是在被杀害前就摆成那样的。

6. - Yeah. insane. We're at a wedding, it's in the shape of a heart.


7. So i made my body into a perfect line and tilted back.

译文:所以我把我的身体 摆成一条完美的直线 然后向后倾斜。

8. Yeah, each time i found them the same way.

译文:这些相片总是摆成这样吗 是的 我每次看到都是这样。

9. Well, i don't know, but they were definitely placed this way.

译文:我不知道 不过肯定是被摆成了这样。

10. Posed in family portraits.


11. So Frank sits there, and we put stools in a semicircle.


12. The rice that you ate in the lunch, and you will eat today, is transplanted by women bending in a very awkward posture, millions of them, every season, in the paddy season, when they transplant paddy with their feet in the water.

译文:你们午餐吃的米饭,你今天将要吃的, 是妇女们弯着腰 摆成非常奇怪的姿势移植的, 成百上千万的妇女, 每一季,在谷季, 当他们移植稻谷时 他们是光着脚的。

13. He's commenting on her vanity, which explains the selfie.

译文:他讽刺她的虚荣 所以把她摆成自拍的姿势。

14. The rice that you ate in the lunch, and you will eat today, is transplanted by women bending in a very awkward posture, millions of them, every season, in the paddy season, when they transplant paddy with their feet in the water.

译文:你们午餐吃的米饭,你今天将要吃的, 是妇女们弯着腰 摆成非常奇怪的姿势移植的, 成百上千万的妇女, 每一季,在谷季, 当他们移植稻谷时 他们是光着脚的。

15. i do this with my legs, too.


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