人心不古用英语怎么说 人心不古英语翻译

人心不古用英语怎么说 人心不古英语翻译

人心不古的英语是"Public morality is not what it used to be.",在日常中也可以翻译为"Men are not what they were in the times of long ago.",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到40个与人心不古相关的翻译和例句。


1. Public morality is not what it used to be.

人心不古翻译为Public morality is not what it used to be.。

From this, we can see that there are reasons why people no longer follow ancient ways, and why moral values have declined.


2. Men are not what they were in the times of long ago.

人心不古翻译为Men are not what they were in the times of long ago.。

Though this is not necessarily due to "degeneration of public morality", I do have good reasons to call it the tragedy of life.


3. Human hearts are not what they were in the old days.

人心不古翻译为Human hearts are not what they were in the old days.。

示例:Bitter old men talking about the glory days.
old men talking about the glory days.


4. People are not so honest as their ancestors were.

人心不古翻译为People are not so honest as their ancestors were.。

示例:Yeah, as a matter of fact, they were.
they were.



1. human minds(人心)

2. market feeling(市场人心)

3. Gutenberg discontinuity(古登堡不连续面)

4. 昂古莱姆(昂古莱姆 法国西部城市)

5. sapodilla(人心果 )


1. Goodwin. Your name's Goodwin.


2. Oogum, Oogum, Boogum, Boogum, Boogum...


3. i'd be lying if i said your offer wasn't appealing.


4. No, it wasn't Pam Grier. Pam Grier was the other one.

译文:不,不是潘古莱尔 潘古莱尔是另一个。

5. The infamy is more than he can handle

译文:这个千古骂名 他背不起。

6. You're not all playing on the same team.


7. Lots of things are different now from Johnny's and my day. What do you mean?

译文:现在年头变了,人心不古 怎么说。

8. - That must be upsetting. - Not upsetting.

译文:这一定很让人心烦 不心烦。

9. The moral standard is down the drain...


10. - inspector Gu. - inspector Gu.

译文:古爷 古爷。

11. Hearts and minds. Hearts and minds.


12. in a time like this what's the deal with food, clothes and shoelaces?

译文:世风日下人心不古啊 你们还有心思关心食物 衣服和鞋带。

13. We're not gonna have some fun adventure.

译文:这是不 凡激动人心的冒险。

14. See, things are trending downward.


15. Gu Gong must surrender orhe`ll be destroyed


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